Daily Devotions
Day 77 – Luke 6
Text: Luke 6:27-38
The call to walk in the footsteps of Jesus as His Disciples did not end with His challenge to dare to suffer for His sake. More challenging truths were taught. It would take a true Disciple to be able to practise these life-changing truths that Jesus taught.
But then, what is Christianity if it is not a life-changing faith? What is Discipleship, if we are not prepared to walk bravely in the footsteps of Jesus courageously?
Each phrase of the Lord Jesus must be studied carefully. Each phrase contains deep truth that we must meditate upon prayerfully.
The truths of Jesus at first glance seem impossible to apply. The truths taught appear too lofty. We look at ourselves and we see only weakness and inadequacy. How could we possibly apply what Jesus taught?
The first clue is given here. Let us train our ears to hear. Isaiah uttered similar words that challenged people to really hear God’s Word. Consider the following,
“Listen to Me, you who follow righteousness
You who seek the Lord…” Isaiah 51:1
“Listen to Me, My people
And give ear to Me, O My nation…” Isaiah 51:4
“Listen to Me, you who know righteousness
You people in whose heart is My law…”Isaiah 51:7
One of the most fundamental lessons a Disciple must learn is to train the ears to hear the voice of the Lord Jesus. It seems an easy enough lesson to comprehend, but try it consciously, and you will begin to realize that it is harder than thought.
To really listen to Word of God is to be able to do the following:-
1. It is to be able to tune out all distracting thoughts
2. It is to be able to meditate on what Jesus said, until only His Words become pre-eminent in our minds
3. It is to be able to appreciate the depth and the power of each and every word.
4. It is to be able to savour the wisdom and the beauty of each phrase.
5. It is to be impacted by the very words of Jesus, until the heart is convicted.
6. It is to be able to listen so well, that we embrace His words as TRUTH.
7. It is to be able to desire to practise these truths in our lives…
8. To Listen well requires practice and training.
9. In time to come, when we read God’s Word, we will be able to discern the depth and power of the words of Jesus. The true disciple will indeed listen and apply His word to life.
A simple statement. Yet how powerful are these simple words! The heart’s first reaction is “IMPOSSIBLE”!
The Lord Jesus was right, when He taught His Disciples to first “LISTEN” or “HEAR” (Luke 6:27). The Lord Jesus will take time to explain why He taught what He did. The Disciple must not get carried away by his gut reaction and reject what Jesus sought to teach.
Not only did He teach His Disciples to love their enemies, He explain what He meant by loving the enemies:-
1. It is to “do good to those who hate you”. Luke 6:27
2. It is to “bless those who curse you”. Luke 6:28
3. It is to “pray for those who spitefully use you”. Luke 6:28
4. It is to do that which seems impractical if not impossible. “To him who strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also”. Luke 6:29
5. “And from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold you tunic either”. Luke 6:29
6. “Give to everyone who asks of you. And from him who takes away your goods do not ask them back.” Luke 6:30
At first glance, we will come to the realization that it is impossible to practise Discipleship on our own strength. It is absolutely impossible to consider doing any of the things that Jesus taught His Disciples.
Let us consider once again what Discipleship is all about!
1. It is a relationship where we step out of the Multitudes and seriously consider Discipleship.
2. It is entering into a relationship where Jesus has to personally work on our lives. He has to touch us, change us, and then equip us.
3. It is a relationship that will involve changes. It will mean that we give up our thoughts, our misgivings, and yes, our sinful ways.
4. It involves consciously and carefully listening to the voice of our precious Lord, teaching us, and moulding us through His Word.
5. It will take the invisible, but all-important empowering of the Lord Jesus in the life of the Disciple. This empowering is invisible and not at all obvious initially. In time to come, as we consciously pray about being His Disciples, we will actually experience His empowering. We will see definite and significant changes in our life.
Let us not be afraid of what seems to be impossible demands from the Lord Jesus. Let us first train our hearts to “HEAR” until we literally hear nothing but the voice of Jesus saying these words to us, “LOVE YOUR ENEMIES…”