Daily Devotions
Day 87 – Luke 7
Text: Luke 7:24-35
This is the second time when the Lord Jesus Christ uttered words of high commendation. The first time was when He praised the faith of the Gentile Centurion (Luke 7:9). Then, He said those stirring words,
“I say to you, I have not found such great faith,
Not even in Israel!”
Luke 7:9
The Lord Jesus concerning John gave the Baptiser another set of words of high commendation. He esteemed John as “more than a prophet” (Luke 7:26).
Jesus’ reference to the “wilderness” was obvious. John the Baptiser’s ministry took place predominantly in the wilderness. John chose to minister in the wilderness for several reasons:-
1. He grew up, loving the wilderness. It was his home ground. It was his natural environment. Luke recorded that John “was in the deserts till the day of his manifestation to Israel.” (Luke 1:80)
2. It was in the wilderness that he prepared himself, in prayer and meditation, for his public ministry as the forerunner of The Messiah. There in the wilderness, “the word of God came to John…” (Luke 3:2)
3. The “wilderness” was also mentioned in the prophecy of Isaiah. He was that “voice crying in the wilderness…” (Isaiah 40:3). John sought to fulfil the Scriptures literally. (Luke 3:4)
4. His ministry attracted great multitudes (Luke 3:7). Many came confessing their sins, and sought John’s baptism.
The mention of “the wilderness” was a tribute in itself. How likely would a person succeed, preaching in the wilderness? How often would people leave their comfortable homes to actually go out into the wilderness to hear a man preach? That multitudes kept coming to hear John preach in the wilderness spoke of how greatly blessed John must have been in his life and ministry.
Jesus commended John further, when He raised three rhetorical questions:
“What did you go out into the wilderness to see?
“A reed shaken by the wind?” Luke 7:24
“But what did you go out to see?”
“A man clothed in soft garments?
Indeed those who are gorgeously appareled
And live in luxury are in king’s courts.” Luke 7:25
“But what did you go out to see? “
“A prophet?
Yes, I say to you, and more than a prophet. ” Luke 7:26
The commendation of John was magnificently communicated in beautiful rhetorical style. The rhetoric Jesus chose was a series of three thoughts, each built on the other until it reached a climax.
The first rhetorical question set the scenario. John was in the wilderness. What does one see in the wilderness, especially a wilderness where there are pools of water? The most common thing you would see would be a reed in the wilderness. Was John only a common reed that one would normally see in the wilderness?
The second rhetorical question swings the mind to dwell on what most people appear to be impressed with – Wealth! The idea of a reed is now contrasted with a person who is fabulously wealthy. It is common enough to be comfortable, if not wealthy. However, to be fabulously wealthy is not a dream that everyone is able to realize in his lifetime. Was John just like a fabulously wealthy man?
The third rhetorical question is most significant! This is the climatic question. It tells us what Jesus had in mind all the time. The greatest thing that one could attain in life is to be called by God to be His prophet! This servant of God is certainly more than just a common reed. He is certainly more than just a fabulously rich man who lives in luxury all the time. John had the highest honour. He was called to be a prophet of God!
Yet, Jesus said that He had not gone far enough! He was MORE THAN your average prophet! He was the forerunner of The Messiah,
“Behold, I send My messenger
before Your (Messiah) face,
Who will prepare Your way before You (Messiah).”
Luke 7:27, (Cf. Isaiah 40:3; Malachi 3:1)
God sent many prophets to Israel. John was one of the privileged people to be called to be one of God’s prophets. Each prophet had his own place of significance in the Lord’s ministry. However, John’s place was extra special, not because he had a long and illustrious ministry of preaching, but simply because he was the forerunner of the Messiah! Many of the prophets had also preached and prophesied about the Messiah. However, John was the one who was the forerunner of the Messiah! That warranted special mention.
John was highly commended indeed. He was hailed as a very great prophet. But did the people fully understand what Jesus was really saying? The focal point was actually the Messiah Himself, and not the forerunner, even though he may be highly praised. It is the Messiah Himself who is the focal point, rather than the forerunner! The Messiah brought a great message. He offers entrance into the Kingdom of God. He who is “least in the kingdom of God is greater than he (John the Baptiser)…” (Luke 7:28)! Do you see the privilege and honour of being invited to be part of the Kingdom of Christ?