Daily Devotions


Day 92


Day 92 – Luke 8

Text: Luke 8 : 1-3


It is one thing to speak of having a great interest in doing God’s work, it is quite another to sustain focus. When Jesus began His ministry, He said,

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,
Because He has anointed Me
To preach the Gospel to the poor…”
Luke 4:18

Throughout Galilee, Jesus went from one city to another conscious of His life’s Mission. To every effort to retain Him to minister permanently at that place, His reply was,

“I must preach the Kingdom of God
To the other cities also,
Because for this purpose
I have been sent.” Luke 4:43

The workload each day was very exhausting, to say the least. Each day was very full, for multitudes came to Him seeking healing for their diseased bodies. Luke describes for us an almost typical day in the life of Jesus,

“When the sun was setting,
all those who had any that were sick
with various diseases brought them to Him;
And He laid His hands on every one of them
And healed them.
And demons also came out of many…”
Luke 4:40,41

There were no “rewards” for Jesus as He ministered to the masses. In some instances, His ministry was violently opposed by the religious authorities represented by the Pharisees and the Scribes. These had failed to recognize Jesus for who he was – The Messiah. Instead they treated Him as if He was a lawbreaker, to be brought to heel!

What sustained Jesus to remain faithful to His life’s Calling? We may highlight a few of these reasons:-

1. He sustained a very strong and close relationship with His Father in prayer (Luke 4: 42; 5:16)

2. He was very certain about His life’s calling. This certainty resulted from His understanding of the Scriptures, and how God spoke to Him through His Word (Luke 4:18; 5:26)

3. We may add a third reason. On the human side, Jesus was deeply committed to His Disciples. He loved them deeply. He would not let them down. They in turn loved Him, and were deeply committed to supporting Him with all they possessed.


How was Jesus supported as he traveled from one city to another? Who looked after His practical, mundane needs? In Luke 8:1-3, we catch a glimpse of the faithful followers and supporters of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus would focus on His work of going to “every city and village, preaching and bringing the glad tidings of the Kingdom of God” (Luke 8:1).

The Twelve were with Him. They had been handpicked to be specially trained for their future ministry – as the Apostles of Christ.

Luke made an important observation. There were “certain women” who also followed the Lord Jesus as His disciples. Some of these had been “healed of evil spirits and infirmities” (Luke 8:2). Luke even named some of these women – “Mary called Magdalene, out of whom had come seven demons, and Joanna the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward, and MANY OTHERS who provided for Him from their substance” (Luke 8:2,3).

How were Jesus and His Disciples supported? Yes, there were some who from time to time opened their homes to Jesus and His Disciples. Peter’s mother-in-law opened her home to them (Luke 4:38-39). Matthew, before he became a follower, also opened his home to Jesus and His Disciples. In some strange circumstances, people like Simon the Pharisee also opened up his home to Jesus.

Luke now reveals to us that in ordinary circumstances, those who were truly grateful for the help that they received from the Lord Jesus, made sure that they gave needed, practical support to Him. This was the least that they could do for Him. Their faith in Him, the gratitude felt in the heart, their love for Him, caused them to care for their Teacher!


We have been reading about the Life of the Lord Jesus Christ for the last three months already. We have discovered so much about the Life and ministry of the Lord Jesus.

Has your heart been touched and impacted? Has your faith grown in any way? Have you learned to love the Lord Jesus more deeply?

Have you thought about how you should respond to Him? The men-folk decided that they would leave their all to become full-time Disciples of the Lord Jesus. The women-folk also thought they must do their part. They were not sent out on field Missions. However, they also did their part. They supported Jesus in very practical and mundane ways. How do you think you should respond to the Lord Jesus Christ, as you take time to read more about Him, in Luke’s Gospel?