Daily Devotions
Day 116 – Luke 9
Text: Luke 9: 46-50
The Lord Jesus addressed many doctrinal problems as He expounded the Scriptures to the multitudes, the Scribes and Pharisees, as well as His Disciples. Some of the problems were very thorny and difficult to resolve.
Several problems were never quite resolved, as far as the Scribes and Pharisees were concerned:-
1. The issue of the Sabbath was an unresolved problem. The Lord Jesus dismissed the adherence to the tradition handed down from their forbears as overly restrictive. To the Scribes and Pharisees, Jesus was nothing but a troublemaker.
2. The issue of the Identity of the Person of the Lord Jesus was also never fully resolved. The multitudes did not come to a full and definite conclusion as to the identity of the Lord Jesus Christ. Was He one of the prophets? Was He Elijah perhaps? The Scribes and Pharisees rejected Jesus as the Promised Messiah.
However, not all the problems that Jesus sought to resolve were theological or doctrinal ones. In today’s portion of Scripture, the Lord Jesus had to deal with a very human problem. Even though, the Disciples had seen how the Lord Jesus practised leadership, they did not know how to fully assimilate His style of leadership. Jesus practised, “Servant-Leadership”.
One of the reasons why the Lord Jesus Christ selected some to be His Disciples was so that He could equip them for future leadership. It was an important thing to groom leaders. It takes time to train and equip leaders, especially when it comes to spiritual leadership.
The issue of leadership tends to bring its own share of problems. One of them surfaced even though the Disciples really had nothing to boast about. The issue was “greatness” .
Luke candidly brought up this problem of dispute and strife among the Disciples. He sought to portray a true and vivid picture of life as Disciples of the Lord Jesus. They may be well taught, they may have the greatest privilege of all – being in the Presence of the Messiah Himself, however, they were not free from very real human problems!
Let us seek to understand the Disciples of the Lord Jesus better, as we read about how they disputed among themselves:-
1. We must classify them as “would-be leaders”. They were given special privileges, but the full responsibility was still undertaken by the Lord Jesus Christ. He was the Real Leader, and the Disciples were “would-be leaders”.
2. It is not an uncommon problem to find that thoughts of “leadership” and “greatness” affect would-be leaders. Untried leaders, inexperienced people have this problem in the early stages of leadership.
3. Usually, with time, with more maturity and further spiritual growth, this kind of problem settles down by itself. Experience teaches humility.
4. Is it wrong to desire to be a great servant of the Lord? The answer is “NO”. It is wonderful to see people desire to become great servants of God. However, when the emphasis is on “greatness” than on “servanthood”, then we have a potential problem on our hands!
5. The shift is subtle but very real. The shift is to self rather than on the Saviour!
Once again, we are indebted to Luke in the way he portrayed the Lord Jesus and His leadership skills! What is a good leader? How did Jesus prove Himself a Great Leader?
1. A good leader is one who knows His men very well.
2. He senses the problems they have in its earliest, incipient form.
3. He is not afraid of dealing with the problem, even if it may mean “hurting” his men.
4. He does more than just discuss the problems. He comes up with a solution to the problem.
5. He continues to be a teacher and a good example to his men. He does not give up on them.
6. He does not take sides. He just works at helping all parties concerned.
The Lord Jesus must have surprised many in the way He conducted His life and ministry. His approach was always so fresh, so vigorous and most of all, so absolutely profound. He summarized His approach towards the question of greatness with an illustrated lesson.
He took “a little child and set him by Him” (Luke 9:47) and then proceeded to instruct His Disciples.
“Whoever receives this little child in My Name
receives Me;
And whoever receives Me
Receives Him who sent Me.”
Luke 9:48
Greatness – what could be greater than to receive Jesus well? Whoever received Jesus well, was in fact receiving none other than His Father! No deed could be greater than this!
How would a person be able to receive Jesus with due accord? The profound lesson was stated simply! The Lord God Himself will honour him who receives a little child in the Name of the Lord Jesus ! Greatness is not restricted to a few individuals. Anyone can achieve greatness through doing the simplest tasks – in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!