Daily Devotions
"A book of remembrance"
Text: Malachi 3:16
While the majority of the returnees did not seem to respond well to the LORD, there were some who did. Malachi took note of their response.
“Then those who feared the LORD spoke to one another,
And the LORD listened and heard them;
So a book of remembrance was written before Him
For those who fear the LORD
And who meditate on His name.”
Malachi 3:16
1. “Those who feared the LORD”
a) This was a key feature.
b) The fear of the LORD reflected a number of things:
i) They had genuine faith. Deuteronomy 10:12-13
ii) They were upright. Psalm 1:1-2
iii) They had wisdom. Proverbs 1:7
c) They spoke to one another.
i) The actual content of what they said was not recorded.
ii) But that they were not rebuked by the Lord was significant.
2. “And the LORD listened and heard them”
a) The presence of the LORD was with this group who feared Him.
b) He did two things:
i) He listened to them.
ii) He heard what they spoke about.
3. “So a book of remembrance was written before Him”
a) The LORD had taken careful note of those who had regarded Him well.
b) Their names were written in this special book of remembrance (honour roll).
i) They had feared the LORD.
ii) They had meditated on His name.
We are reminded of what the Psalmist David wrote.
“The LORD has set apart for Himself him who is godly.” Psalm 4:3