Daily Devotions


Day 276

This Jesus God has raised up, of which we are all witnesses "Acts 2:32"

Day 276 – Mark 13


Jesus not only foretold the destruction of the Temple, He also warned about deception.

“And Jesus answering them, began to say,
‘Take heed that no one deceives you.
For many will come in My name, saying,
‘I am He,’ and will deceive many.'”
MARK 13:5-6

1. Deception knows when to strike

Deception is never more dangerous than when people are vulnerable. There are a few situations when people are more vulnerable than in troublous times. The destruction of the Temple would be one such moment.

2. Deception will come in many forms

Deception wears many masks. It is most adapt at appearing differently at all times, for in its ability to be chameleon-like, it is able to deceive many.

3. Deception is bold as brass

Deception is so bold that it would even dare to pose as the Christ to the masses. The appeal to be the Saviour would require a person to be extremely bold! There, deception is most deadly.

4. Deception will succeed to a large extent

It may have sounded strange and almost impossible, but there was no mistaking the words of Jesus. He predicted that many would be deceived!


It is vital that we appreciate the significance of what Jesus was teaching in this text. Two things must stand out to us.

1. The Lord’s Part

His part is to give a word of warning! He warned His Disciples to be on the lookout for deceivers!

2. The Disciples’ Part

Their part must include the following:-
a) They must exercise wisdom and discernment.
b) They must learn how to recognize deceivers who may come in any form.
c) They must resist and reject deception in every form.