Daily Devotions


Day 350

Acts 5:21a "And when they heard that, they entered the temple early in the morning and taught." Acts 5:21a"

Day 350 – Mark 16

“And when they heard that, they entered the temple early in the morning and taught.”
Acts 5:21a


Let us consider why some scholars prefer to believe in the shorter ending for the Gospel of Mark. Three arguments may be tabled as follows:-

1. Argument from antiquity

a) They believe that the older manuscripts (Alexandrian text-type) are more accurate.
b) They postulate that the longer ending was added at a later stage (by others and not Mark).
c) The shorter ending is also found in other important uncial manuscripts (7th-9th centuries).

2. Argument from language found in Mark 16:9-20

a) Linguistic reason (some words are supposedly very different from the main text)
b) Stylistic reason (style of writing supposedly different)

3. Argument from an evangelistic- interactive approach

It is also argued that the Gospel of Mark was meant to be read to people. As the Gospel is read, there would be interaction from the audience. Thus the shorter ending poses no problem for the teacher would be able to take up the questions of his listeners and answer them effectively.


A version now commonly known as “The Freer Logion” (dating back to the 5th century) was discovered in Egypt. Its ending was not attested anywhere else. The ending cited here is taken from “Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament, written by
Bruce Metzger

“Afterward Jesus appeared to the eleven as they reclined
at table and reproached them for their unbelief and hardness
of heart, because they had not believed those who had seen him
after he arose.
The eleven made an excuse: ‘This age of lawlessness and unbelief
controlled by Satan, who, by means of unclean spirits, doesn’t
allow truth to be known.’
‘So,’ they said to Christ, ‘Reveal your righteous now.’
Christ replied to them, ‘The measure of Satan’s years of power
is filled up, although other fearful things draw nigh to those
for whom I, because of their sin, was delivered to death, that they
may inherit the spiritual and incorruptible glory of righteousness'”