Daily Devotions
Day 40
Text: Mark 2
"Knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold..." 1 Peter 1:18a
One of the first cities that Jesus ministered at was Capernaum. Mark noted this in the following text.
“And immediately He called them, and they left their father
Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants, and went after Him.
Then they went into Capernaum, and immediately on the Sabbath
He entered the synagogue and taught.”MARK 1:20-21
It was at Capernaum that His fame began to spread (Cf. Mark 1:27). Mark described that the whole city of Capernaum came to see Him in the home of Simon and Andrew (Cf. Mark 1:28, 33). He went from Capernaum to other towns, always preaching the Kingdom of God. Along the way, He ministered to those who were sick and possessed by demons.
For a little while, Jesus was not able to enter into any town because of the huge crowds that thronged Him. The testimony of the healed leper caused Him to stay out in deserted places (Cf. Mark 1:45).
In time, Jesus returned to the city of Capernaum. Before too long, the city was abuzz with excitement again.
“And again He entered Capernaum after some days,
and it was heard that He was in the house.
Immediately many gathered together, so that there was
no longer room to receive them, not even near the door.
And He preached the Word to them.”MARK 2:1-2
1. A Repeat of a familiar scene
Once again the city of Capernaum gathered at the door of “the house”. (It is possible that this was the same house that Jesus ministered from on His previous trip. Hence there was no need to mention the name of the owners).
2. The deeper needs of the crowd
Yes, there would have been people who had fallen ill, and they came to seek help from Jesus. But what were their deeper needs as far as Jesus was concerned? Their deeper need was not more demonstration of the power of Jesus. Their greater need was to hear the Word of God!
This was what Jesus desired to do always. He was most conscious of His Father’s Mission for Him. The deepest need of any man was to hear the Word of God preached and expounded. This was something Jesus determined He would focus on!