Daily Devotions


Day 173

2 Peter 1:18 "And we heard this voice which came from heaven when we were with Him on the holy mountain."

Day 173 – Mark 8

“And we heard this voice which came from heaven when we were with Him on the holy mountain.” 2 Peter 1:18


What did the disciples feel as they distributed the fish and loaves to the multitude? Were they amazed once again how the loaves and small fish could be multiplied so wondrously?

“So they ate and were filled, and they took up seven
large baskets of leftover fragments.
Now those who had eaten were about four thousand.
and He sent them away, immediately got into the boat
with His disciples, and came to the region of Dalmanutha.”
MARK 8:8-10

1. So many similarities between the two miracles of feeding the multitudes

a) The blessing of the bread and fish (Cf. Mark 6:41; 8:7)
b) The huge number of people fed (Cf. Mark 6:44; 8:9)
c) The gathering of leftovers (Cf. Mark 6:43; 8:8)
d) Leaving to minister in any district (Cf. Mark 6:45; 8:10)

2. What were some of the lessons the Disciples were to have learned?

a) To come up with a solution
The Disciples were asked to resolve the challenge of feeding the multitudes:-
i) On the first occasion, forthrightly, Jesus asked the Disciples to feed the multitude (Cf. Mark 6:37).
ii) In the second instance, Jesus implied that the Disciples were to feed the multitude (Mark 8:1-3).
b) To exercise their faith
i) They could be excused if they failed the first test! They could not imagine how Jesus could have fed the multitude.
ii) What excuse could the Disciples come up with? This was a repeat test! The situation was almost identical to the first set of circumstances.
iii) Could they not have asked Jesus to feed the multitudes? Their silence was difficult to appreciate!