Daily Devotions


Day 201

2 Peter 2:15a "They have forsaken the right way and gone astray..." 2 Peter 2:15a"

Day 201 – Mark 9

“They have forsaken the right way and gone astray…” 2 Peter 2:15a


The power of demonic spirits was well underscored in this incident. The following seemed powerless against the “mute spirit”.

1. The multitudes

There may have been hundreds of people standing around. But despite the size of the multitude, the crowds were powerless against one single demon.

2. The scribes

For all their well-reasoned arguments, they too could not render any help to the distraught father. How would their dispute help resolve the plight of the demonized boy?

3. The Disciples

They had experienced success before. This was probably their first failure. The band of nine Disciples could not cast out the stubborn mute spirit!

4. The ferocity of the mute spirit

The distressed father of the demonized boy described the vicious activity of the mute spirit:-

a) It controlled the boy.
b) It could inflict pain on the victim at will.
c) It defied the Disciples who tried to cast him out.


Did the scribes feel that this demon might be too powerful even for Jesus? Did the father feel that perhaps Jesus could not help him also, for His disciples had failed rather miserably!

Jesus was not fazed by the failure of His Disciples. Their failure did not reflect on His Person and on His power! He dealt firstly with the problem at hand.

“He answered him and said,
‘O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you?
How long shall I bear with you? Bring him to Me.'”
MARK 9:19

1. The faithlessness of the father

2. The faithlessness of his generation

What accounted for the failure of all concerned? The root may be traced to the problem of “faithlessness”! (All were blameworthy- not just the father of the boy).