Daily Devotions


Day 154

"Do not fear"

Text: Matthew 10 : 16 - 31

The last vestige of fear seemed to flee even as Jesus instructed His disciples as to how they may combat it. With each repetition of the phrase, “Do not fear” the disciples found themselves gaining more courage and strength. For the third and last time, Jesus used the same phrase with tremendous impact.

“Are not two sparrows sold for a copper’s coin?
And not one of them falls to the ground apart
from your Father’s will. But the very hairs of
your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore;
you are of more value than many sparrows.”
Matthew 10:29-31


The concept of God’s will was a deep and profound doctrine. The following things may be said about His will.

1. God’s will governs everything that happens

This is the most basic thought behind the concept of God’s will. God’s will covers the way the universe is run! It is that grand and sovereign! It also covers the seemingly insignificant details like sparrows being sold in the market place! Nothing happens outside God’s will!

2. God’s will Implies His knowledge and consent

If nothing happens except that God has allowed it, or has personally willed it to occur, then it must imply that He has full knowledge of every event that occurs. Without His consent nothing could occur! God is therefore in absolute control of every situation in life, no matter how frightening or tough that situation may be!

3. God’s will is to be understood and accepted

What is the correct appropriate response to this teaching of God’s will? Surely the disciples must therefore see fear banished! The moment they are able to accept and embrace this teaching concerning God’s will, they would never fear anything or anyone again! The appropriate prayerful response ought to be, “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

If God’s will governed the little insignificant sparrows which were sold as food for the very poor, then the disciples must learn to laugh in the face of fear! If God took notice of the humble sparrows that fall to the ground, then they must know that God would not fail to take note of His children when they find themselves in dire straits! Let fear be banished once and for all.


It is estimated that a full head of hair numbers about a hundred thousand! Who bothers to count the number of hair follicles (except those who suffer from the problem of severe hair loss)? How effectively Jesus applied this thought! The meaning of this word given to the disciples was clear! If God took the trouble to count the number of hairs on the head, how much must He care about His children!


Jesus raised this issue of value in the most intriguing manner.

1. We value ourselves more than we dare to admit

This was subtly hinted at, when Jesus brought up the subject of “fear”. We value ourselves so much that we dare not put at risk our souls. This may not have been actually voiced out, but it was something that Jesus understood.

2. We tend to doubt God’s estimation of human life

Everyone struggles with faith in God, even the disciples. Sometimes, God seems to be far away, and immediately the heart cries out, questioning whether God is concerned about us.

This tendency was reflected from time to time, and well evidenced in some of the prayers of the psalmists. The following psalms may be cited for example.

“O God, why have You cast us off forever?”
Psalm 74:1a

This spirit of unbelief results in a mood of dark despair at times.

“In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord;
my hand was stretched out in the night
without ceasing; my soul refused to be comforted.”
Psalm 77:2

3. We need to establish an important fundamental truth

Jesus wanted to help His disciples to establish an important basic truth, once and for all! God loved His children, and He valued each and every one of them! Unbelief must not get the upper hand! Doubt must not be allowed to prevail! The expressions of God’s love for His children are abundant! The disciples must cling on to this fundamental truth and employ it in battle against sinful fear!


Every disciple must face fear and triumph over it personally. Fear will wage war against every disciple in every generation! No one will be spared! Many unfortunately have succumbed to fear because they have not adequately prepared themselves for this spiritual warfare! This was a war that was an invisible war but all too real! Jesus, knowing the importance of winning this war, vigorously prepared His disciples to give battle against this dreadful foe. Total victory is within reach where there is faith!