Daily Devotions


Day 208

A Series of Shorter Parables

Text: Matthew 13 : 24 - 43

Matthew recorded a small number of parables that were markedly shorter than the first two. These were not explained by the Lord. The challenge for us is to attempt to interpret them correctly.


Let us ponder over this short parable. It is another kingdom parable. How does this parable add to our understanding of the kingdom of heaven?

“Another parable He put forth to them, saying:
‘The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed,
which a man took and sowed in his field,
which indeed is the least of all the seeds;
but when it is grown it is greater than the herbs
and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come
and nest in its branches.'”
MATTHEW 13:31-32

Let’s consider the example of Jesus in His interpretation of the parable of The Wheat and The Tares. Let’s analyse each phrase carefully in the light of all that we know about the parables of the kingdom.

“The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed…”

The kingdom of heaven continues to be the main theme. Note the similarity of the use of the idea of “the seed”.

1. Factual Information

a) Size of the mustard seed

The mustard seed is indeed a very small seed. The smallness of the mustard seen was used by Jesus as a point He could use to teach more about the kingdom of heaven.

b) A herb

There were many trees mentioned in the Scriptures. There were the stately cedars, the friendly and shady fig trees and there were the olive trees. These were mentioned in the Scriptures to illustrate certain points.

The mustard seed had never been used before now. It was but a very humble and small seed in comparison to the trees mentioned in the Scriptures.

c) Plant growth

If trees like the cedar grow to a great height, we are not surprised at all. However we might be astonished that the mustard seed can almost rival the fig tree in terms of height! The mustard plant grow up to more than 3 meters tall!

d) Birds of the air

This is a natural phenomenon. Birds of the air lodge in any tree they can find for their rest at night. They will not rest in little shrubs and bushes. There is no safety to be found there. However, they will roost in the branches of the mustard plant!

2. Interpretive challenges

a) The humble beginnings of the kingdom of heaven

Like the mustard seed, the kingdom of heaven seemed very small and insignificant. Yes, Jesus had done a great job reaching to multitudes! But judging from the fact that His disciples were few in number, His work may indeed be compared to the mustard seed.

b) The work of the Son of Man

The Person to be credited for the work of developing the kingdom of heaven is none other than Jesus Himself.

c) The potential growth of the kingdom of heaven

Hearers must not be tempted to despise the humble beginnings of the kingdom of heaven! The kingdom of heaven will grow as significantly as the mustard seed!

d) No need to read anything sinister in the mention of “the birds of the air”

There are some who read sinister thoughts into the phrase “the birds of the air”. There is no hint that anything evil is meant in this phrase. Rather it seems natural to interpret this phrase positively. As birds of the air find the mustard plant a natural and safe resting place, so one day when the kingdom of heaven grows further, people will seek rest in it – most naturally!


Matthew recorded yet another parable in his Gospel. This one was also a very short one and no explanations are given. The reason for not giving any explanation is a simple and straightforward one. The lesson behind the parable is obvious!

“Another parable He spoke to them:
The kingdom of heaven is like leaven,
Which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal
till it was all leavened.”

In this parable, Jesus highlighted an important truth. Leaven or yeast works quietly and invisibly. It works in the dough. It permeates the dough thoroughly. It causes the bread to rise beautifully.

In like manner the kingdom of heaven and its influence may appear to be insignificant, virtually invisible. Nevertheless it is real and important!