Daily Devotions
Obstacles on the Road of Faith
Text: Matthew 15 : 21 - 28
Jesus was of course pleased with the words of the Canaanite woman. She offered Him worship! She must have literally prostrated herself at the feet of Jesus! He couldn’t see any of the scribes and Pharisees doing that!
A little test was set before the Canaanite woman. Would she be able to comprehend the next cryptic statement Jesus spoke?
“But He answered and said,
‘It is not good to take the children’s bread
And throw it to the little dogs.'”
1. The silence of Jesus
The disciples of Jesus had not understood the silence of Jesus! The woman of Canaan did, apparently! She was not rebuffed by the silence and impassivity of Jesus!
2. The “Son of David” issue
This would have sounded very cryptic to anybody else! Did onlookers understand the dialogue between Jesus and the Canaanite woman?
The woman seized upon the fact that Jesus had broken His silence. He had not heeded the words of His disciples! He had not dismissed her and sent her away. If He had done that, then the door would have been slammed shut completely!
3. “Not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel”
Even these words did not sway her faith and trust in Jesus. In her heart she had a faith-concept of who Jesus was, and what He must be like! Surely, He who is Lord could extend His hand and help her!
She made her faith in Jesus very clear and explicit! She offered Him worship in public. She hailed Him as her Lord! This was her faith in Him for all to see!
4. The latest obstacle – “The children’s bread… thrown to the little dogs”
An obstacle is not the same as a setback! This was not a setback at all. Would her faith be able to comprehend what Jesus meant by these words?
a) Would she receive these words as insulting?
If so, then she was shutting the door by herself! Did this Lord she acknowledged an insulting Person?
b) Did she comprehend what Jesus was saying at all?
The words of Jesus were cryptic. In fact these words may be said to be even more puzzling than the parables Jesus told! Could anyone comprehend what Jesus meant by these words? The Canaanite woman did!
“And she said, ‘ Yes, Lord,
yet even the little dogs eat the crumbs
which fall from their master’s table.'”
How refreshing it must have been, even for Jesus, to find such faith! When was the last time a person showed great faith in Jesus? Wasn’t it the Roman centurion who pleased Jesus with his faith (Cf. Matthew 8:5-13)?
The woman had understood Jesus! Her genuine and keen understanding caused her faith to shine brightly!
1. Faith and understanding
The Canaanite woman could “teach” the disciples of Jesus a thing or two about faith and understanding! While they struggled with the parables of Jesus, this woman comprehended the cryptic words Jesus spoke!
2. Faith and humility
One of the reasons why the scribes and Pharisees could never come to believe in Jesus was because of their pride. The humongous pride they had in their own store of knowledge, their status as the religious leaders of Israel etc stood in their way of coming to faith in Jesus!
The Canaanite woman on the other hand possessed abject humility. She refused to feel offended, no matter the language Jesus used. She was well aware of the fact that most Jews regarded Gentiles as lowly dogs!
She saw herself as being unworthy of any attention from Jesus! She could accept that her position in life may indeed be compared to that of a household pet dog. But did not dogs get crumbs or leftovers from the master’s table.
Jesus was Master. She was not fit even to speak to Jesus! She would not picture herself as sitting at the table of Jesus. He could extend that privilege to those who belonged to the house of Israel. She was only a lowly dog! But they too get fed!
How happy Jesus must have felt that day. In front of all His disciples, Jesus praised her for having an outstanding faith.
“Then Jesus answered and said to her,
‘O woman, great is your faith!
Let it be to you as you desire.’
And her daughter was healed from that very hour.”
What a reward for having not only genuine faith but a great faith! Jesus had always planned to respond to her cry for help! But this episode, if nothing else would provide a tremendous opportunity for the disciples to learn further lessons of true faith!
What a rebuke to all Israel and to the disciples too! Twice, Jesus commended faith and on both occasions, those words of faith went to Gentiles! How well did the disciples fare? Could Jesus look at us and say “Great is your faith”?