Daily Devotions
Faith As A Mustard Seed
Text: Matthew 17 : 14 - 28
Just how much faith was in the hearts of the disciples as they battled with the demon that possessed the little boy? How much faith did the father have for that matter? What Jesus said was both startling and humbling!
“Assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed…”
Jesus had been right all along, hadn’t He? On at least three occasions, He had rebuked His disciples for having so little faith (Cf. Matthew 8:26; 14:31; 16:8). Just how much faith did Jesus want them to have at the very least? In this text, we see Jesus describing the size of the faith that the disciples had! Their faith was less than the size of a small mustard seed – and that seed was small indeed!
After all the time spent with Jesus, the faith of the disciples was still so pitifully small! What was the problem? Why couldn’t their faith grow larger and stronger? Jesus expressed sorrow and displeasure that the disciples had not yet comprehended the potential power that was in their faith!
Faith could move mountains! No demon can stand in the presence of a powerful faith! If only the disciples had concentrated on developing the power of faith in their lives! They would not have suffered this humiliating defeat from the demon that had possessed the boy!
Unbelief was the deadly enemy of faith! They are locked in mortal combat. Unbelief always attacks most viciously! Its grip on the believer is deadly! At the very least, it numbs the believer. At its height, it mocks and defies the believer in his attempt to exercise his faith in life’s circumstances!
The demon was unafraid of the disciples because it was able to sense or detect some sense of uncertainty or doubt in them. There was stout resistance to the word of command from the disciples! The key issue at stake was the question of authority – and this was closely related to the degree of faith of the disciples! The demon’s weapon was to play on the unbelief of the disciples and the father of the boy. The disciples just could not make headway with their attempt to heal the demonized boy!
The defeat of the disciples afforded another opportunity for Jesus to teach His disciples once again how they might apply their faith into life’s complexities! Let us study carefully how Jesus taught His disciples they should have applied their faith!
1. Deal with the problem of faithlessness
This is the lesson of foremost importance! Till this problem is recognized and dealt with thoroughly, faith cannot be exercised fully! Faithlessness is nothing short of perversity! This state of the heart must be repented of! There must be the cleansing of the heart with reference to the problem of faithlessness!
2. Make sure there is genuine faith
Genuine faith must be distinguished from presumed faith! Many presume they have faith! However, the sad fact is that many do not have true faith!
a) Knowledge is not necessarily faith.
b) Seeing the miracles of Jesus does not result in faith automatically either.
c) Being in His company does not result in genuine faith!
Genuine faith, even if it is only the size of a small mustard seed has vast potential! Even mountains cannot impede the power of faith at work!
3. “Nothing will be impossible”
This is the mindset of the genuine man of faith! He believes with all his heart that God will hear his prayer and that He will respond mightily!
a) Faith is a positive mindset
b) Faith is a steadfast conviction
c) Faith overcomes doubts and fears
d) Faith is an outlook of life
e) Faith is the powerful approach taken
f) Faith lays hold of God’s power
g) Faith applies the power and authority of God
Jesus had to add another instruction to His disciples concerning battles with demonic powers! The disciples had already the first taste of defeat and thus they must have been eager to learn further and to make sure that they did not repeat the same mistake!
Certain demons would resist harder than expected! The way to deal with such powerful demons is to be found in this phrase – “prayer and fasting”. Special help from God must be obtained! This can be obtained, but the means ordained may require efforts of prayer and fasting! The man of faith will pursue every avenue, even if it means prolonged periods of prayer, involving fasting, to obtain that authority and power from God! Are we prepared to “fast and pray” till power comes?