Daily Devotions


Day 252

Understanding the Writings of the Gospel Writers

Text: Matthew 19 : 13 - 15

Did Jesus minister to children? If so, why did the Gospel writers not mention how He ministered to them? It is important that we make no unreasonable demands on what the Gospel writers were supposed to write. It seems good to look at some of the reasons why the writers wrote as they did.

1. The Main Focus

All the Gospel writers shared one important common focus. They all felt that they must write about Jesus and present Him as the Christ, the Son of God Himself! All other issues were to be considered secondary!

2. Significant Happenings that occurred in the public eye

The Gospels were part biographical and part history. As such the writers recorded events as they occurred.

a) The masses that came to Jesus was a significant thing to note.

b) The sick who were healed was a major event that just had to be recorded.

c) The confrontations between the religious leaders and Jesus were so controversial, they had to be noted.

d) The teachings of Jesus were so profound that His sayings were collected and put together into Gospel accounts.

3. Significant Events with reference to the Disciples

Some of the significant events did not occur in broad daylight. Some of them had significance only with reference to the Disciples!

a) The Special teach-in Sessions

b) Miracles where Jesus showed authority and power over the elements

c) The Transfiguration of Jesus

These were major events too. Many may not have seen these things, but they were nevertheless true! They occurred and the Gospel writers made a note of those events in their Gospel accounts.

4. Non-Major Ministries in Jesus’ life and ministry

One of the ministries that Jesus did not explore much was with reference to children. The Gospel writers did not write about how Jesus ministered to them. This should not be interpreted wrongly. Ministry to children may not have been given much attention, but in the same token, the disciples did not have much to say about Jesus’ ministry to Gentiles either! That does not mean that there was no ministry to be explored among them!


Matthew noted a lesson that the disciples had to learn in a painful way. This lesson was with reference to ministry to children.

“Then little children were brought to Him that He might
put His hands on them and pray, but the disciples rebuked them.”

The multitudes never seemed to grow smaller in size. If anything, the size of the crowds seemed to get bigger everyday! There was so much work for Jesus to do every day. Would Jesus have time for children too? The disciples thought that they would begin screening people before they were brought to the attention of Jesus. When parents brought their children to be blessed by Jesus, the disciples reprimanded the parents who brought them! To their surprise, Jesus commanded that the children were not to be denied access to Him.

“But Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to Me,
and do not forbid them: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”
And He laid His hands on them and departed from there.”
MATTHEW 19:14-15

What Jesus said here was not unimportant! Let us consider some of the ways in which we are to appreciate the little comments Jesus made here and there.

1. Endorsement

What Jesus did not forbid is important to note. His endorsement is of even greater significance! His word concerning children is of utmost significance.

a) Children can be led into the kingdom of God.

b) Prayers of blessings on children are not meaningless.

2. Exploration for future ministries

a) Jesus’ ministry to Samaritans and Gentiles were the seeds laid for future development of ministry.

b) Jesus’ blessing of children gives great and positive encouragement to the development of ministry with children as the direct focus.


Jesus could no longer stay too long in any one ministry. Soon, His public ministry would end altogether. There were still so many things that He had to teach His disciples, if this incident concerning children was anything to go by! Though He would have loved to linger on, He could not! He must walk bravely and briskly to His ultimate destiny.