Daily Devotions


Day 265

One Exciting Event After Another

Text: Matthew 21 : 1 - 17

The triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem was an exhilarating experience, albeit a nerve-wrecking one for the disciples. They had been apprehensive about going to Jerusalem at all, let alone see Jesus ride into the holy city with so much serenity. The regal manner in which He carried Himself was awesome to behold. He was The Son of David indeed!

The disciples anticipated a strong adverse reaction from the chief priests and scribes. This was their “territory”. But strangely they were silent. Perhaps they realized that the rousing welcome the multitudes gave to Jesus would come to nothing. They knew what crowds were like. Their fervour was fleeting.

However what Jesus did next shook the most composed chief priest or scribe. The triumphal entry ended near the temple precincts. All eyes were fixed on Jesus as He strode up to the temple. Had He come to worship? Had He come to speak to other worshippers? What Jesus did next must have caused the bravest of His disciples to shiver.

“Then Jesus went into the temple of God
and drove out all those who bought and sold
in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers
and the seats of those who sold doves.
And He said to them, ‘It is written, ‘My house shall be called
a house of prayer’ but you have made it a ‘den of thieves.””
MATTHEW 21:12-13


This was one of the most powerful dramatic scenes anyone had seen at the temple. People had become used to the sight of merchants peddling their wares in the temple precincts. What was Jesus really upset about? Who was He angry with?

“Those who bought and sold in the temple…”

What were the trades that were allowed in the temple precincts? Who ran these businesses? Powerful figures were behind these businesses. None other than the family of the high priest himself was behind the organization of the temple businesses. Things related to temple worship were sold at highly inflated prices. Worshippers were literally fleeced by these merchants! Jesus was upset at the exploitation that took place everyday in the temple, but even more so, during festive seasons like the Passover. Hundreds of thousands of faithful worshippers all over the world would come to Jerusalem to celebrate this event. Business was never better during such times! Hardly any merchant thought of God as he peddled his wares.

“The tables of the money changers…”

The chief priests invented an ingenious way to make money. Worshippers were told that they could not give an offering that used Roman coins. These were minted with Caesar’s face printed on the obverse side of the coins. That was supposed to smack of idolatry and thus must be disallowed in the temple precincts.

Special temple money had to be purchased or exchanged. The temple money could not be used as legal tender. The money exchanged for use as temple offering saw the profits of the owners multiplied further. Jesus saw it for what it was – daylight robbery! Imagine the brazen hypocrisy of the religious leaders!

“The seats of those who sold doves…”

“Foreigners” in particular were the hardest hit. They would have to purchase things like lambs from the those who bought and sold. They couldn’t be expected to bring their own lambs for worship. Even if they had attempted that, the priests would have found ways to question the suitability of the sacrificial animals to be presented for worship.

What incensed Jesus even further was the fact that even the poor were not spared! The poor were not expected to be able to offer oxen or sheep. All they could probably afford would be “doves”. These were ordinarily cheap, but they were sold for huge profits at the hands of the dove merchants! Imagine fleecing the poor!


There was one thing that Jesus must do! He must cleanse the temple! The words of the ancient prophets came to mind as He set about chasing these temple merchants who were little more than “thieves”.

The ancient prophecy of Jeremiah

The words of Jeremiah must have rung and resonated in the mind of Jesus as He overturned the tables of the money changers and chased out the other temple merchants.

“‘Has this house, which is called by My Name,
become a den of thieves in your eyes?
Behold, I, even I, I have seen it,’ says the Lord.”

The temple should aid people in providing the needs of worshippers as they come from far and wide to offer worship. Instead of assistance, the temple authorities were guilty of extortion! Their practices made them little better than thieves! A whole pack of them would make the temple a den! The temple had become a den of thieves indeed!

The ancient prophecy of Isaiah

In this prophet’s eye, he foresaw a day when God would bring back His people into Israel. There would be grateful worship of God. How should the temple be regarded?

“My house shall be called a house of prayer…”
ISAIAH 56:7f

A den of thieves cannot also be a house of prayer. It was one or the other! Jesus acting on His own authority cleansed the temple of thieves!