Daily Devotions


Day 24

"The women of My people you cast out"

Text: Micah 2:9


As if robbing people was not bad enough, cruel treatment of the women-folk in the country was also prevalent. This received a strong word of rebuke from the Lord.

“The women of My people you cast out
From their pleasant houses;
From their children
You have taken away My glory forever.”
Micah 2:9

1. “The women of My people”

a) Once again, the phrase “My people” was used.
b) This was to show God’s sense of identification with the downcast and oppressed (Exodus 2:23-24).
c) Special regard for the women-folk is noted.

2. “Cast out from their pleasant houses”

a) The women-folk were made homeless.
b) A number of things could have been done:
i) Abusing the legal system.
ii) Using the law to evict the women-folk.
iii) Mortgages may have been in arrears.
iv) Foreclosure could have happened.
v) End result: The women had lost their homes.
vi) They have to fend for themselves as best they could from then on.
vii) This would have been a nasty down-turn for many if not all of the women-folk.

3. “Their children”

a) They may have already lost their father.
b) Now they would be out in the streets with their mother.
c) Children would have suffered terribly.
d) This would have been a traumatic experience.

4. “You have taken away My glory forever”

a) God’s glory was shown in the way He had provided for His people.
b) But the seizure of homes from the women and children would have a devastating effect.
c) The glory of the Lord would now no longer be believed in by the children.
d) Their faith in God would have been dealt a severe if not a fatal blow.

This sin deserved a very solid rebuke!