Daily Devotions
"Like a lion among the beasts of the forest"
Text: Micah 5:8
The remnant would be but a very small group of people living in exile. But they would re-discover their faith in God one day. They would emerge strongly “like a lion!”
“And the remnant of Jacob
Shall be among the Gentiles,
In the midst of many peoples,
Like a lion among the beasts of the forest,
Like a young lion among flocks of sheep,
Who, if he passes through,
Both treads down and tears in pieces,
And none can deliver.”
Micah 5:8
1. “And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles”
a) This statement explains and confirms what Micah wrote in the previous verse.
b) This time, Micah specifically declared that the remnant would be among the Gentiles.
2. “In the midst of many peoples”
a) Israel had always been a nation where the citizens shared the same history and racial distinctives.
b) The remnant would now experience what it means to live among “many peoples”.
c) How would they fare?
3. “Like a lion among the beasts of the forest”
a) Micah chose his imagery carefully.
b) Many may indeed be compared to “beasts of the forest”.
i) Israel had experienced their savagery.
ii) The nation had experienced much cruelty in the hands of their overlords.
c) But the remnant of Israel need not fear.
The faithful remnant would discover an important truth.