Daily Devotions


Day 81

"Do not trust in a friend"

Text: Micah 7:5


If the leaders of the nation are wicked and corrupt, how would one survive? Micah’s advice was candid and yet wise.

“Do not trust in a friend;
Do not put your confidence in a companion;
Guard the doors of your mouth
From her who lies in your bosom.”
Micah 7:5

1. “Do not trust in a friend”

a) In normal circumstances everyone has friends.
b) And to trust in a friend is not unusual.
c) But in very difficult times, the advice given here is essentially sound.
i) A “friend” may betray you.
ii) The “untested friend” may turn against you for monetary advantage.
iii) It is wise then not to trust such a friend.

2. “Do not put your confidence in a companion”

a) What if a “friend” draws closer and the individual becomes a “companion”?
b) This person is now more than a casual acquaintance.
c) The normal thing is to put confidence in a companion.
d) But the days of Micah were not “normal”.
e) Many had proven themselves untrustworthy.
f) Micah’s wisdom teaches us not to easily put confidence in a companion.

3. “Guard the doors of your mouth from her who lies in your bosom”

a) What if there had been progression of the friendship?
i) Friend
ii) Companion
iii) Spouse
b) The reference in this phrase is the spouse.
c) “Guard your mouth”
i) Loose lips can be disastrous.
ii) And intimacy in bed can turn out badly.

These were tough times that needed “tough wisdom” to survive!