Daily Devotions
"You will give truth to Jacob"
Text: Micah 7:20
Truth is a priceless gift from God. How wonderful that God would give His truth to Man!
“You will give truth to Jacob
And mercy to Abraham,
Which You have sworn to our fathers
From days of old.”
Micah 7:20
1. “You will give… mercy to Abraham”
a) He was greatly honoured by the Lord.
b) He was called “My friend” by God (Isaiah 41:8).
c) Abraham was a recipient of God’s mercy.
i) He had his weaknesses.
ii) He had sinned against God.
iii) But God showed him great mercy all his life.
iv) He was greatly blessed (Genesis 12-25).
2. “You will give truth to Jacob”
a) Jacob did not begin his life well.
b) He was the grandson of Abraham.
c) He lied and deceived his father and twin brother.
d) Then God revealed Himself to him.
e) The truth of the reality of God and His mercy transformed his life (Genesis 28-50).
3. “Which You have sworn to our fathers from days of old”
a) Mercy and truth are precious gifts from the LORD.
b) God’s oath sealed His promises given.
c) This is gloriously illustrated in God’s promise to give a New Covenant.
Mercy and truth will be the dominant features in the New Covenant.
1. This New Covenant was revealed to Jeremiah the prophet (Jeremiah 31:31-37).
2. This was well discussed and noted in Hebrews 8, 10.
a) God will show great mercy (Hebrews 8:12).
b) He will write the truths of His commandments on the heart and mind of believers (Hebrews 8:10).
How we must extol the Lord (Psalm 145:1)! Who indeed is like the LORD our God? (Micah 7:18)