Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 63

Text: Exodus 10: 1-2


Exodus 10:1-2

1Now the LORD said to Moses, “Go in to Pharaoh; for I have hardened his heart and the hearts of his servants, that I may show these signs of Mine before him,
2 and that you may tell in the hearing of your son and your son’s son the mighty things I have done in Egypt, and My signs which I have done among them, that you may know that I am the LORD.”


1. The LORD’s instructions to Moses

a. He is to speak to Pharaoh.
b. Moses must not however expect him to respond because he had a hardened heart.

2. Understanding the hardening of the heart

a. Pharaoh began with a hardened heart.
b. He continued to harden his heart.
c. The heart became further hardened:
i. Because he had chosen to harden his heart.
ii. His heart resorted to cunning and deceit.
iii. He kept breaking his promises.
iv. All these things made his heart hardened further.
d. When God said He would harden his heart:
i. He will allow his heart to remain hardened.
ii. He will not soften his heart.
iii. God is not making a soft heart harden.
iv. He was already dealing with a hardened heart.

3. God’s purpose revealed

a. The hardened heart of Pharaoh and his servants would have consequences.
b. God would judge Pharaoh and Egypt.
c. His judgments would display His power.
d. The plagues are in fact God’s signs to everyone that He is indeed LORD.
e. These mighty signs would be taught to the generations to come.
i. The children of Israel are to teach their children about God.
ii. They are to learn how to have the right regard for the LORD.

经文:出埃及记 10:1-2


《出埃及记 10:1-2》

2 并要叫你将我向埃及人所做的事,和在他们中间所行的神迹,传于你儿子和你孙子的耳中,好叫你们知道我是耶和华。”


1. 神所吩咐摩西的

a. 他必须去见法老和他谈论
b. 然而,摩西不该期待任何回应,因为法老的心刚硬

2. 理解心的刚硬

a. 法老的心一开始就已刚硬了
b. 而他继续使自己的心刚硬
c. 心就变得更加刚硬
i. 因为他选择使自己的心刚硬
ii. 他有着一个狡猾和欺骗的心
iii. 他屡次没有遵守诺言
iv. 这一切使他的心变得更刚硬
d. 当神说要使他的心刚硬
i. 祂将允许法老的心持续地刚硬着
ii. 祂将不会使他的心软化
iii. 神并不是把一个软化的心变为刚硬
iv. 祂面对的是一个已经刚硬的心

3. 神的旨意显明了

a. 法老与臣仆刚硬的心将遭遇后果
b. 神将审判法老与埃及
c. 祂的审判将显示祂的权能
d. 灾殃就如神迹以让人知道祂确实是神
e. 这些伟大的神迹将传给世世代代
i. 以色列民必把关于神的知识教导子孙
ii. 他们必学习如何尊崇神