Daily Devotions
My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Text: Exodus 14: 10-12
Exodus 14:10-12
10 And when Pharaoh drew near, the children of Israel lifted their eyes, and behold, the Egyptians marched after them. So they were very afraid, and the children of Israel cried out to the LORD.
11 Then they said to Moses, “Because there were no graves in Egypt, have you taken us away to die in the wilderness? Why have you so dealt with us, to bring us up out of Egypt?
12 Is this not the word that we told you in Egypt, saying, ‘Let us alone that we may serve the Egyptians’? For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than that we should die in the wilderness.”
1. A fearful moment
a. The Pharaoh and his army of chariots drew nearer.
b. The children of Israel could see them approaching.
2. When fear takes over
a. The children of Israel were described as “very afraid”.
b. They could recall the many fearful moments in Egypt.
i. The beatings from the taskmasters.
ii. The sense of helpless and hopelessness.
c. Crying out to the LORD
i. The children of Israel cried out to God in great fear.
ii. But what if there is prayer without faith in God?
3. Fear turns to anger
a. The children of Israel became angry with Moses.
b. They spoke to him rudely and sarcastically:
i. Why did Moses take them out of Egypt?
ii. Was it because there were no graves in Egypt (sarcasm)?
iii. Why had Moses led them to face this hopeless situation?
c. They remembered how they spoke to Moses on one occasion.
i. They had asked Moses to leave them alone (Exodus 5:21).
ii. Facing this present crisis, they lacked faith in God.
d. Dark thoughts of despair:
i. They thought that they would surely die in the wilderness.
ii. They expressed regret that they had left Egypt with Moses.
iii. They felt that they would have been better off in Egypt.
iv. They may be slaves but at least they were alive.
e. Without a strong faith in God they did not have any hope at all.
经文:出埃及记 14:10-12
《出埃及记 14:10-12》
10 法老临近的时候,以色列人举目看见埃及人赶来,就甚惧怕,向耶和华哀求。
11 他们对摩西说:“难道在埃及没有坟地,你把我们带来死在旷野吗?你为什么这样待我们,将我们从埃及领出来呢?12 我们在埃及岂没有对你说过,不要搅扰我们,容我们服侍埃及人吗?因为服侍埃及人比死在旷野还好。”