Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 93

Text: Exodus 15: 14-16


Exodus 15:14-16

14 “The people will hear and be afraid;
Sorrow will take hold of the inhabitants of Philistia.
15 Then the chiefs of Edom will be dismayed;
The mighty men of Moab,
Trembling will take hold of them;
All the inhabitants of Canaan will melt away.
16 Fear and dread will fall on them;
By the greatness of Your arm
They will be as still as a stone,
Till Your people pass over, O LORD,
Till the people pass over
Whom You have purchased.


1. The mighty deeds of God

a. They would become well-known.
b. These mighty miracles can never be hushed up.

2. The people in the land of Canaan would hear and become afraid

a. The chiefs of Edom.
b. The mighty men of Moab.
c. The other inhabitants of Canaan.

3. Their response

a. They will be afraid.
b. They will experience sorrow.
c. They will tremble.
d. They will melt away.
e. Fear and dread would overwhelm them.
f. They would be as still as stone (paralysed with fear).

4. The greatness of God’s arm would be revealed

a. The people of God would have to face many challenges along the way.
b. But God would be there to lead and to guide till they have passed over completely till they reach Canaan.
c. The children of God are the redeemed (“purchased”).

经文:出埃及记 15:14-16


《出埃及记 15:14-16》



1. 上帝伟大的作为

a. 他们会成为闻名的作为
b. 这些伟大的奇迹是无法遮掩的

2. 迦南人会因听闻上帝的作为而感到惊慌

a. 以东的族长
b. 摩押的英雄
c. 迦南其他的居民

3. 他们的反应

a. 他们会感到害怕
b. 他们会体验疼痛
c. 他们会战战兢兢
d. 他们会被消化
e. 他们会感到惊骇恐惧
f. 他们会如石头寂然不动

4. 上帝将会显现祂伟大之手

a. 上帝的子民将会面对许多的挑战
b. 不过,上帝会一直引导和带领他们到达迦南
c. 他们是上帝所求赎的百姓