Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 103

Text: Exodus 16: 27-31


Exodus 16:27-31

27 Now it happened that some of the people went out on the seventh day to gather, but they found none.
28 And the LORD said to Moses, “How long do you refuse to keep My commandments and My laws?
29 See! For the LORD has given you the Sabbath; therefore He gives you on the sixth day bread for two days. Let every man remain in his place; let no man go out of his place on the seventh day.”
30 So the people rested on the seventh day.
31 And the house of Israel called its name Manna. And it was like white coriander seed, and the taste of it was like wafers made with honey.


1. Stubborn people

a. There were some who were stubborn.
b. They did not heed what the Lord had said.
c. They went out to look for Manna on the Sabbath morning. They did not find anything.

2. The LORD’s word to Moses

a. Refusal to keep God’s commandments and laws:
i. This was already noted.
ii. How long would they keep this up?
b. Provision had been made:
i. The Manna collected would not spoil if it is kept over Sabbath.
ii. This was God’s commandment and it was meant to be Law.

3. Sabbath

a. It was meant to be a happy day of rest from labour.
b. It was now an enforced rest for all.

4. Manna

a. A brief description was given.
b. Like coriander seed
i. Light brown
ii. Chinese parsley / cilantro
c. Coriander is best used fresh for it spoils easily.
d. However, this is not Coriander for the taste of it is compared to wafer with honey.

经文:出埃及记 16:27-31


《出埃及记 16:27-31》
27 第七天,百姓中有人出去收,什么也找不着。
28 耶和华对摩西说:“你们不肯守我的诫命和律法,要到几时呢?
29 你们看,耶和华既将安息日赐给你们,所以第六天他赐给你们两天的食物,第七天各人要住在自己的地方,不许什么人出去。”
30 于是百姓第七天安息了。

31 这食物,以色列家叫吗哪,样子像芫荽子,颜色是白的,滋味如同搀蜜的薄饼。


1. 顽梗的以色列民

a. 当中有一些顽梗的子民
b. 他们并没有听从上帝所说的
c. 安息日早晨,百姓中有人出去收吗哪

2. 上帝对摩西的话

a. 不肯守上帝的诫命和律法:
i. 这已被注意到的
ii. 他们要继续到几时?
b. 上帝已为他们做了预备:
i. 所剩下的吗哪留到安息日早晨也不会腐烂
ii. 这是上帝的诫命,也是律法

3. 安息日

a. 原本是一个快乐的休日
b. 现在却成为了所有人强制性的休息日

4. 吗哪

a. 这有个简略的形容
b. 像芫荽子
i. 浅褐色
ii. 华人所吃的香菜
c. 香菜必须新鲜使用,因为它容易变坏
d. 然而,吗哪并不是香菜,因为它的味道像搀蜜的薄饼