Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 127

Text: Exodus 21: 7-11


Exodus 21:7-11

7 “And if a man sells his daughter to be a female slave, she shall not go out as the male slaves do.
8 If she does not please her master, who has betrothed her to himself, then he shall let her be redeemed. He shall have no right to sell her to a foreign people, since he has dealt deceitfully with her.
9 And if he has betrothed her to his son, he shall deal with her according to the custom of daughters.
10 If he takes another wife, he shall not diminish her food, her clothing, and her marriage rights.
11 And if he does not do these three for her, then she shall go out free, without paying money.


1. Judgment concerning the selling of a daughter as a slave

a. A different law applies.
b. She would not be set free on the seventh year as a male slave would be.

2. Master and slave girl

a. If the master has betrothed her to himself
b. But if she does not please him
c. He must then let her be redeemed (she may be sold to another buyer).

3. Restrictions apply

a. He cannot sell her to foreigners.
b. He has not treated her fairly.
c. He has in fact deceived her.

4. If the master had betrothed the slave girl to his son

a. He must treat her like a daughter.
b. He is not to treat her like a slave.

5. Multiple marriages

a. This was allowed in the ancient days.
b. If the master takes on other wives, he must continue to provide for her.
i. She must be given food.
ii. Clothing must also be given.
iii. Marriage rights must also be given to her.
c. If he fails to do all of these things:
i. The slave girl would be set free.
ii. Whatever debts she had would be cancelled.
iii. She would owe nothing to her master.

经文:出埃及记 21:7-11


《出埃及记 21:7-11》
7 “人若卖女儿做婢女,婢女不可像男仆那样出去。
8 主人选定她归自己,若不喜欢她,就要许她赎身;主人既然用诡诈待她,就没有权柄卖给外邦人。
9 主人若选定她给自己的儿子,就当待她如同女儿。
10 若另娶一个,那女子的吃食、衣服并好合的事,仍不可减少。

11 若不向她行这三样,她就可以不用钱赎,白白地出去



a. 这应用不同的律法
b. 她不会和男仆一样,在第七年被放出去

2. 主人与婢女

a. 若主人选定她归自己
b. 但她不讨好主人
c. 主人就要许她赎身(让她被卖给别人)

3. 限制条件

a. 他不能把她卖给外邦人
b. 他并没有公平地对待她
c. 他其实欺骗了她


a. 他得待她如同女儿
b. 他不能把她当成婢女

5. 一夫多妻

a. 在古代这是受允许的
b. 若主人另娶妻子,他依然得供应她一切
i. 他得给她食物吃
ii. 他得给她衣服穿
iii. 他也得给她婚姻权利
c. 若他不能向她行这三样事:
i. 婢女会被释放出去
ii. 她身上任何债会被取消
iii. 她什么都没欠主人