Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 138

Text: Exodus 22: 14-15


Exodus 22: 14-15

14 “And if a man borrows anything from his neighbour, and it becomes injured or dies, the owner of it not being with it, he shall surely make it good.
15 If its owner was with it, he shall not make it good; if it was hired, it came for its hire.


1. Animals that are borrowed

a. This is not unusual.
b. Beasts of burdens may be borrowed.
i. An ox for ploughing of a field.
ii. A donkey to help with the carrying of goods.

2. Two different scenes are considered

a. When the owner is physically present.
b. When the owner is physically absent.

3. When the owner is absent

a. The borrowed animal may be injured.
b. The borrowed animal may die.
c. The person who borrowed the animal:
i. He will have to “make good”.
ii. He will have to compensate the owner.
d. If the animal is injured:
i. He may have to pay for any medical treatment.
ii. He may have to pay some compensation for the loss that the owner would have sustained.
e. If the animal died:
i. He would have to pay whatever the judges determined as compensation.
ii. Responsibility must be considered when one wishes to borrow an animal from anybody.

4. When the owner is present

a. If the owner was present, the borrower would not be liable.
b. The owner would know that the borrower did not abuse his animal causing it to die.
c. The borrower would not be liable for extra payment if the animal was hired.
d. The fee for hiring the animal would, of course, have to be paid.

5. Responsibility and fair play

a. Both principles would apply.
b. Responsibility must be assumed:
i. The owner
ii. The hirer
c. Fair play
i. Compensation is due if the animal is unduly injured or if it dies because of abuse.
ii. Compensation is not due if the fault was not that of the hirer.

经文:出埃及记 22:14-15


《出埃及记 22:14-15》
14 “人若向邻舍借什么,所借的或受伤,或死,本主没有同在一处,借的人总要赔还。

15 若本主同在一处,他就不必赔还。若是雇的,也不必赔还,本是为雇价来的。


1. 所借来的牲畜

a. 这并不反常
b. 耕田的牲畜可以向邻舍借
i. 耕田的牛

ii. 帮助运输货物的驴

2. 考虑到两种不同的情景

a. 本主同在一处时
b. 本主没有同在一处时

3. 本主没有同在一处时

a. 借来的牲畜或许受伤
b. 借来的牲畜或许死了
c. 借牲畜的人:
i. 总要“赔还”
ii. 他总要赔偿本主
d. 若牲畜受伤
i. 他必须承担医药费
ii. 他必赔偿本主所经受的损失
e. 若牲畜死了
i. 他必按照审判官所定的而做出赔偿
ii. 当一个人想要向邻舍借牲畜时,必须考虑到该负的责任

4. 本主同在一处时

a. 若本主同在一处,借牲畜的人就不必赔还
b. 本主必知道借牲畜的人并没有虐待牲畜而使它死去
c. 若是雇的,借牲畜的人也将不必承担额外费用
d. 但雇价还是得还清

5. 责任与公正

a. 两个原则都派上用场
b. 必须负责任
i. 本主
ii. 雇用者
c. 公正的待遇
i. 若牲畜遭虐待或受到不当伤害而死去,借者则应赔偿
ii. 若错不在于雇用者,就不需要做出赔偿