Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 146

Text: Exodus 22: 31


Exodus 22:31

31 And you shall be holy men to Me: you shall not eat meat torn by beasts in the field; you shall throw it to the dogs.


1. Holy people to the Lord

a. The meaning of the word “holy”:
i. To be set apart.
ii. To be dedicated to God.
iii. To live a life of sanctification (holiness).
b. Believers
i. They are God’s people.
ii. They are meant to live in a holy manner.

2. Holiness and food

a. We must ever seek to live as holy people.
b. This must extend to the food we eat.
c. Food that is torn by animals:
i. This is not to be eaten.
ii. Such food may be given to dogs but not suitable for human consumption.

3. Practising consciousness of holiness

a. This is done when we worship the Lord.
b. This is further enhanced when we carefully consume food.
c. We must not be controlled by hunger or desire for food. We must be led by holiness instead.

经文:出埃及记 22:31


《出埃及记 22:31》

31 你要在我面前为圣洁的人,因此,田间被野兽撕裂牲畜的肉,你们不可吃,要丢给狗吃。


1. 上帝圣洁的人

a. “圣洁”的意思:
i. 被分别
ii. 被奉献于上帝
iii. 过圣洁的生活
b. 信徒们
i. 是上帝的子民
ii. 必须过圣洁的生活

2. 圣洁与食物

a. 我们必须尝试过着圣洁的生活
b. 这必须包括我们的吃食
c. 被野兽撕裂牲畜的肉:
i. 这不可以吃
ii. 这样的肉可以丢给狗吃,不适合给人吃

3. 练习圣洁的意识

a. 当我们崇拜上帝时
b. 当我们小心饮食时,这一点更增强了
c. 我们不可以被饥饿或对食物的欲望所控制。我们要让圣洁主导我们的生活。