Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 164

Text: Exodus 24: 3


Exodus 24:3

3 So Moses came and told the people all the words of the LORD and all the judgments. And all the people answered with one voice and said, “All the words which the LORD has said we will do.”


1. Moses’ ministry to the children of Israel

a. God had given instructions to Moses.
b. They may be summarised in this way:
i. The words of the LORD
ii. The judgments of God
c. His part was to do the following:
i. Relate to them what God said.
ii. Teach them what God meant.
iii. He cannot add or subtract from God’s words.
d. The judgments of God
i. There are general laws.
ii. There are also specific explanations of some laws.
iii. We have read some of them in Exodus 22-23.

2. The response of the children of Israel

a. There was consensus.
b. The people were united when they responded to what Moses had said.
c. “All the words which the LORD has said we will do.”
i. This was a solemn promise made to God.
ii. The people had heard what Moses had taught them.
iii. These judgments of God were good laws.
iv. They would be given true justice by the Lord.

经文:出埃及记 24:3


《出埃及记 24:3》

3 摩西下山,将耶和华的命令、典章都述说于百姓听,众百姓齐声说:“耶和华所吩咐的,我们都必遵行。”


1. 摩西对以色列人的事工

a. 上帝指示摩西
b. 这可以如此总结:
i. 上帝的命令
ii. 上帝的典章
c. 他的本分正是:
i. 把上帝所说的传达给百姓
ii. 教导他们上帝的意思
iii. 他不可以从上帝的话语中增或减
d. 上帝的典章
i. 这里有一般的法律
ii. 也有对某些法律的详细讲解
iii. 我们在《出埃及记 22-23》有读到这些

2. 以色列百姓的反应

a. 他们是达成共识的/h5>

b. 百姓对于摩西所说的,反应是团结的
c. “耶和华所吩咐的,我们都必遵行。”
i. 这是对上帝很庄严的承诺
ii. 百姓已听到摩西教导他们的事
iii. 上帝的这些典章都是很好的律法
iv. 上帝将通过这些律法给予真正的正义