Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 165

Text: Exodus 24: 4-5


Exodus 24:4-5

4 And Moses wrote all the words of the LORD. And he rose early in the morning, and built an altar at the foot of the mountain, and twelve pillars according to the twelve tribes of Israel.
5 Then he sent young men of the children of Israel, who offered burnt offerings and sacrificed peace offerings of oxen to the LORD.


1. All the words of the LORD

a. These were written down.
b. The written word would be a feature in Israel’s faith in God.
c. All the words:
i. Relating to basic teachings and commands from God.
ii. In this context, it would mean the Ten Commandments especially.

2. A special altar

a. Twelve pillars were set up.
b. They represented all the tribes of Israel.
c. The Tabernacle had not been erected yet and thus, this altar was valid.

3. A special team of “young men”

a. Moses selected them.
b. Their work was to help him make a sacrifice to the LORD.
c. This was a special occasion.
d. The official priesthood was not yet set up.
e. Thus, their assistance was not wrong.

4. The offering to be given

a. Burnt offerings represented two things especially:
i. Thanksgiving
ii. Consecration
b. Peace offerings
i. God’s peace was appreciated.
ii. His peace was celebrated.
iii. Sins have been forgiven and Israel was at peace with God mercifully.

经文:出埃及记 24:4-5


《出埃及记 24:4-5》



1. 上帝的每句话

a. 这些都有被记载
b. 记载的话语将成为以色列人对上帝的信心的特征
c. 每一句话:
i. 与上帝的教导和命令有关
ii. 这尤其指的是十戒

2. 特别的一座坛

a. 设立十二根柱子
b. 它们代表着以色列的每一支派
c. 当时帐幕还没有立起,所以这坛是恰当的

3. 一队特别的“少年人”

a. 是摩西选择他们的
b. 他们的任务是替他给上帝献祭
c. 这是一个特别的场合
d. 这时还尚未建立正式的祭司
e. 因此他们给的帮助并没有犯错

4. 献上的祭

a. 燔祭特别代表着两件事:
i. 感恩
ii. 奉献
b. 平安祭
i. 上帝给予的平安有被心领
ii. 祂的平安有被庆祝
iii. 罪已赦免,以色列和慈悲的上帝和平相处