Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 200

Text: Exodus 29: 38-42


Exodus 29:38-42

38 “Now this is what you shall offer on the altar: two lambs of the first year, day by day continually.
39 One lamb you shall offer in the morning, and the other lamb you shall offer at twilight.
40 With the one lamb shall be one-tenth of an ephah of flour mixed with one-fourth of a hin of pressed oil, and one-fourth of a hin of wine as a drink offering.
41 And the other lamb you shall offer at twilight; and you shall offer with it the grain offering and the drink offering, as in the morning, for a sweet aroma, an offering made by fire to the LORD.
42 This shall be a continual burnt offering throughout your generations at the door of the tabernacle of meeting before the LORD, where I will meet you to speak with you.


1. Continual Sacrifices

a. This is beyond the week of Consecration sacrifices.
b. Consecration sacrifices will only cover one week.
c. Continual sacrifices must be done every day.

2. The Sacrifices

a. Two lambs
b. One year old lamb
i. One to be offered in the morning.
ii. The other to be offered at twilight (after sunset).
c. First lamb offering in the morning
i. Flour and oil
ii. Wine to be poured out as a “drink offering”.
d. Second lamb offering at twilight
i. Grain
ii. Drink offering
e. Both sacrifices are to be “burnt offering”.
f. To symbolize total dedication to the Lord.

3. The Lord’s promise

a. He will come to His Tabernacle.
b. He will receive these sacrifices.
c. He will be in fellowship with His servants.
d. He will speak to them.

经文:出埃及记 29:38-42


《出埃及记 29:38-42》



1. 不停地献祭

a. 这是超出在承接圣职那周献的祭
b. 承接圣职献的祭只能涵盖一周
c. 献祭是每天当进行的

2. 牺牲的祭

a. 两只羊羔
b. 一岁的羊羔
i. 早晨献一只
ii. 黄昏献一只(日落以后)
c. 第一只羊羔是在早晨献的
i. 加上细面和油
ii. 还将酒倒出来作为奠祭
d. 第二只羊羔是黄昏献的
i. 加上素祭
ii. 配上奠祭
e. 早晚所献的祭都是“燔祭”
f. 这象征对上帝完全的奉献

3. 主的应许

a. 祂会亲临会幕
b. 祂会接纳这些祭物
c. 祂会与祂的仆人相会与团契
d. 祂会与他们说话