Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 12

Text: Exodus 3: 1-3


Exodus 3:1-3

1 Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian. And he led the flock to the back of the desert, and came to Horeb, the mountain of God.
2 And the Angel of the LORD appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush. So he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, but the bush was not consumed.
3 Then Moses said, “I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush does not burn.”


1. Many years in Midian

a. Moses became a shepherd.
b. He looked after the flock of his father-in-law.
c. Jethro was the other name used for Reuel the priest of Midian.

2. Mount Horeb

a. It was popularly known as “the mountain of God”.
b. Part of the region was a desert.

3. Pastureland

a. Moses led his flocks far and wide in search of pastureland.
b. He had to pass through this region.

4. A strange phenomenon

a. There was a bush in flames.
i. Bushfires would be checked out by responsible people.
ii. Bushfires could spread rapidly and were potentially dangerous.
b. But this bush was not burnt.
c. Moses sought to draw nearer to understand why the bush did not burn in the fire.
i. He was being responsible and he was also curious.
ii. This was worth investigating!

5. The Angel of the LORD

a. Moses did not know that behind this phenomenon was the Angel of the LORD.
b. The Angel of the LORD was mentioned in Genesis.
i. He spoke to Hagar (Genesis 16).
ii. He appeared as the Man who wrestled with Jacob (Genesis 32:24-32).
c. This was going to be the major turning point in his life!

经文:出埃及记 3:1-3


《出埃及记 3:1-3》



1. 居住在米甸许多年

a. 摩西成为一位牧羊人
b. 他牧养他岳父的羊群
c. 叶忒罗是米甸祭司流珥得的另一个名字

2. 何烈山

a. 这座山也被称为 “上帝的山”
b. 一部份的区域是沙漠

3. 牧羊地

a. 摩西领着羊群寻找牧羊地
b. 他必须经过这个沙漠

4. 一个奇特的现象

a. 荆棘被火烧
i. 人们必须查看是否有野火
ii. 野火会迅速地扩散并且十分危险
b. 不过,荆棘并没有被火烧毁
c. 摩西上前查看为何荆棘没有被火烧
i. 虽然这是他的义务,但他对这个现象也感到好奇。
ii. 这是值得查看的现象

5. 耶和华的使者

a. 摩西并不知道这是耶和华的使者的显现
b. 创世记也记载关于耶和华的使者
i. 祂显现并且和夏甲交谈 《创世记 16》
ii. 祂显现为人与雅各摔跤 《创世记 32: 24-32》
c. 这将会是摩西人生中重要的转捩点!