Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 13

Text: Exodus 3: 4-6


Exodus 3:4-6

4 So when the LORD saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, “Moses, Moses!” And he said, “Here I am.”
5 Then He said, “Do not draw near this place. Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.”
6 Moreover He said, “I am the God of your father—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look upon God.


1. The observation of God

a. The LORD was watching Moses.
b. Would he investigate the burning bush?
c. Or would he walk away and ignore what he had seen?

2. The Calling of Moses

a. Moses drew nearer to the burning bush.
b. He heard a voice addressing him.
i. That Voice called him by his name, “Moses!”
ii. But there was no one in sight.
c. He responded
i. Swiftly.
ii. Humbly.
iii. He did not say much, just “Here I am”.
iv. He did not know who was speaking to him.

3. God introducing Himself

a. He was the God of his forefathers:
i. The God of Abraham
ii. The God of Isaac
iii. The God of Jacob
b. Each phrase was stated clearly and distinctly.

4. Instruction from God

a. “Holy ground”
i. The Presence of God was right there.
ii. Thus, the ground was holy.
b. Appropriate response needed:
i. The Presence of God was to be respected.
ii. The holy ground must be properly regarded.
iii. Moses must take off his sandals.
c. Understanding the command to remove his sandals.
i. It is like entering into someone’s home.
ii. We cannot enter with sandals that may be dirty.
d. Moses had to learn the first lesson about God.
i. He is to be highly respected.
ii. He is to be humble before Him.
e. Moses hiding his face:
i. He had a proper reverence of God.
ii. This is called “holy fear”.
iii. This was good and proper.

经文:出埃及记 3:4-6


《出埃及记 3:4-6》



1. 上帝的观察

a. 上帝看着摩西
b. 他是否会查看被火烧的荆棘?
c. 又或者他会离开并不理会所目睹的现象?

2. 摩西的呼召

a. 摩西更靠近被火烧的荆棘
b. 他听到一个呼唤他的声音
i. 那个声音呼唤着他的名字“摩西!”
ii. 不过,周围并没有其他人。
c. 他的回应
i. 迅速
ii. 谦卑
iii. 他简单地回应,“我在这里。”
iv. 他并不知道谁与他说话

3. 上帝的介绍

a. 祂是摩西的祖先的神
i. 亚伯拉罕的神
ii. 以撒的神
iii. 雅各的神
b. 每一句都十分清晰

4. 上帝的指示

a. “圣地”
i. 上帝在那个地方显现
ii. 因此,那个地方是圣地
b. 适当的回应:
i. 在上帝的面前要尊重祂
ii. 正确地看待圣地
iii. 摩西必须将脚上的鞋脱下来
c. 理解脱鞋的指示
i. 这就像进入一个人的家中
ii. 我们不可以穿着肮脏的鞋子进入家中
d. 摩西必须学习有关上帝的第一个教训
i. 他要尊重上帝
ii. 他必须谦卑地来到上帝的面前
e. 摩西蒙上脸
i. 他敬重上帝
ii. 这是“神圣地敬畏”
iii. 这是适当和好的回应