Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 15

Text: Exodus 3: 9-10


Exodus 3:9-10

9 Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel has come to Me, and I have also seen the oppression with which the Egyptians oppress them.
10 Come now, therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring My people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt.”


1. The children of Israel

a. They had cried out to God in prayer.
b. They had called upon God for deliverance.
c. They were obviously driven to seek God’s help because of the Egyptian oppression.

2. The LORD God

a. He was their God.
b. He had acknowledged them as His people.
c. He had heard their prayers.
d. He would respond to their cry for help and deliverance.

3. All that God had said thus far

a. These were all wonderful things to hear.
b. God would deliver His people in answer to their prayers.
c. He would lead them to the land of promise, Canaan.

4. God’s Plan involved sending Moses to Egypt

a. God revealed His plan more fully.
b. He would send Moses to Pharaoh.
c. He would lead His people, the children of Israel out of Egypt.
d. This part of God’s plan must have been very difficult for Moses to comprehend and believe in.
e. How could he hope to succeed in this quest?

经文:出埃及记 3:9-10


《出埃及记 3:9-10》



1. 以色列人

a. 他们以祷告向上帝哀求
b. 他们求上帝拯救他们
c. 他们显然是因为埃及人对他们的欺压而寻求上帝的帮助

2. 上帝

a. 祂是他们的上帝
b. 祂承认他们是祂的百姓
c. 祂已聆听他们的祷告
d. 祂会回应他们寻求帮助及救赎的哀声

3. 上帝到此刻所说的话

a. 这些都是很美妙的话
b. 上帝会回应祂的百姓的祷告,拯救他们
c. 祂会带领他们到应许之地,迦南地

4. 上帝的计划包括把摩西送到埃及

a. 上帝更完整地透漏祂的计划
b. 祂会把摩西送去见法老
c. 他会带领祂的百姓,以色列的人,离开埃及
d. 上帝的这个计划一定使摩西感到难以理解及相信
e. 他岂能成功完成这个任务呢?