Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 203

Text: Exodus 30: 7-10


Exodus 30:7-10

7 “Aaron shall burn on it sweet incense every morning; when he tends the lamps, he shall burn incense on it.
8 And when Aaron lights the lamps at twilight, he shall burn incense on it, a perpetual incense before the LORD throughout your generations.
9 You shall not offer strange incense on it, or a burnt offering, or a grain offering; nor shall you pour a drink offering on it.
10 And Aaron shall make atonement upon its horns once a year with the blood of the sin offering of atonement; once a year he shall make atonement upon it throughout your generations. It is most holy to the LORD.”


1. Burning of sweet incense

a. This expresses devotion.
b. Incense represents prayers that ascends to the Lord.

2. Twice a day incense was to be burned

a. Every morning.
b. Every evening at twilight (after sunset).

3. A perpetual incense offering

a. Prayer was to be offered daily.
b. Incense that represents prayer must also be offered daily.

4. Strict orders

a. Strange incense must not be offered.
b. The burnt offering cannot be placed on the incense altar.
c. Nor a grain offering.
d. Nor a drink offering.
Each offering must be given properly! Obedience is of critical importance!

5. Atonement to be made

a. Just once a year.
b. By the blood of a sin offering for atonement.
c. This word is to be regarded as a holy word from the LORD!

经文:出埃及记 30:7-10


《出埃及记30: 7-10》
7 亚伦在坛上要烧馨香料做的香,每早晨他收拾灯的时候,要烧这香。
8 黄昏点灯的时候,他要在耶和华面前烧这香,作为世世代代常烧的香。
9 在这坛上不可奉上异样的香,不可献燔祭、素祭,也不可浇上奠祭。

10 亚伦一年一次要在坛的角上行赎罪之礼。他一年一次要用赎罪祭牲的血在坛上行赎罪之礼,作为世世代代的定例。这坛在耶和华面前为至圣。


1. 烧馨香料做的香

a. 这表示奉献
b. 香代表对上帝的祈祷

2. 一天要烧两次香

a. 每天早晨
b. 每天傍晚在黄昏(日落之后)

3. 永恒的香火供奉

a. 每天都要祷告
b. 也必须每天提供代表祈祷的香火

4. 严格的命令

a. 不得提供常烧的香
b. 不可献燔祭
c. 不可献素祭
d. 不可浇上奠祭
要有心的烧馨香料做的香! 服从是至关重要的!

5. 要赎罪

a. 一年一次
b. 用赎罪祭的血来赎罪
c. 这话从上帝那里来,我们要视它为圣言!