Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 214

Text: Exodus 32: 5-6


Exodus 32:5-6

5 So when Aaron saw it, he built an altar before it. And Aaron made a proclamation and said, “Tomorrow is a feast to the LORD.”
6 Then they rose early on the next day, offered burnt offerings, and brought peace offerings; and the people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play.


1. Aaron’s further wrong response

a. He built an altar for the golden calf.
b. The purpose of an altar:
i. It is a place where animals are sacrificed.
ii. It is a place where people gathered for worship.
c. The making of a golden calf was wrong.
d. Making of an altar would be the second wrong thing to do.

2. A proclamation of Aaron

a. The golden calf would represent the “LORD”.
b. He declared that a special feast would be made “to the LORD!”
c. This was a very severe spiritual setback for the children of Israel.

3. The worship of the golden calf

a. This was done in the name of the LORD!
b. Offerings were given:
i. Burnt offerings
ii. Peace offerings

4. The worship was entered into enthusiastically

a. They rose up early to begin the special feast day.
b. They ate and drank.
c. They rose up to play.
i. The word “play” was used euphemistically.
ii. They were not playing games (sports/ carnival).
iii. This word suggests “immoral activity”.

经文:出埃及记 32:5-6


《出埃及记 32:5-6》



1. 亚伦所持续的错误反应

a. 亚伦为牛犊筑坛
b. 筑坛的目的:
i. 这是一个把牲畜献为祭物的地方
ii. 这是一个让人们聚集崇拜的地方
c. 制造牛犊是错误的
d. 筑坛是错上加错

2. 亚伦的宣告

a. 金牛犊代表“上帝”
b. 他宣告特别节日是向“上帝守节!”
c. 这是以色列子民属灵中一大挫折

3. 拜金牛犊

a. 这是以上帝的名所为!
b. 奉献的有:
i. 燔祭
ii. 平安祭

4. 人们积极地崇拜

a. 百姓清早起来开始守节
b. 他们吃喝
c. 他们起来玩耍
i. “玩耍”是委婉的的说法
ii. 他们并不是在玩游戏(运动会/嘉年华会)
iii. 这词形容“不道德的活动”