Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 232

Text: Exodus 33: 13-14


Exodus 33:13-14

13 Now therefore, I pray, if I have found grace in Your sight, show me now Your way, that I may know You and that I may find grace in Your sight. And consider that this nation is Your people.”
14 And He said, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”


1. What Moses discovered about Prayer

a. There must be no assumptions.
b. Nothing must be taken for granted.
c. Everything ought to be clarified by God in His answer to prayer.

2. Praying about the grace that God said He had given to Moses

a. The grace of God was deeply appreciated.
b. Moses prayed that God would show him more specifically His way.
c. In this way, Moses would know that he had indeed been given grace in His sight.

3. Moses knew that God was still angry with Israel

a. He pleaded with God not to set aside Israel because of sin.
b. He begged the Lord to continue to regard Israel as His people.
c. God had said that He would not go into the Promised Land with Israel.
i. He was distancing Himself.
ii. His Presence would not be there.
iii. It would be as if Israel was not God’s people.
iv. Grace would be needed very much.
v. This was the grace Moses pleaded for.

4. God’s Answer was given

a. “My Presence will go with you”
i. Moses’ prayer was answered.
ii. Grace would be extended.
iii. The Lord would be with His people.
iv. They are His people.
b. “I will give you rest”
i. He would help them settle in the land.
ii. He would indeed give them “rest” from all their toils.

经文:出埃及记 33:13-14


《出埃及记 33:13-14》



1. 摩西发现在祷告时

a. 绝对不能随意做假设
b. 不能够把任何事当作理所当然
c. 一切都该由上帝通过祷告来解释与澄清

2. 为求上帝说祂已赐给摩西的恩典而祷告

a. 摩西深深感激上帝的恩典
b. 摩西祈求上帝会将祂的道指示他
c. 这样,摩西就能确定他的确在上帝眼前蒙恩

3. 摩西知道上帝还在生以色列的气

a. 他祈求上帝不要因为以色列的罪而遗弃他们
b. 他求上帝继续把以色列视为祂的民
c. 上帝说过祂不会和以色列一同进入应许地
i. 祂在疏远自己
ii. 祂不会与他们同在
iii. 以色列似乎不是上帝的子民
iv. 上帝的恩典是不可或缺的
v. 这是摩西所祈求的恩典

4. 上帝的回应

a. “我必亲自和你同去”
i. 上帝回应了摩西的祷告
ii. 上帝会赐恩典
iii. 上帝会与祂的民同在
iv. 他们是祂的民
b. “使你得安息”
i. 上帝会帮他们适应新的地
ii. 祂的确会在他们劳碌中给予他们安息