Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 233

Text: Exodus 33: 15-17


Exodus 33:15-17

15 Then he said to Him, “If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.
16 For how then will it be known that Your people and I have found grace in Your sight, except You go with us? So we shall be separate, Your people and I, from all the people who are upon the face of the earth.”
17 So the LORD said to Moses, “I will also do this thing that you have spoken; for you have found grace in My sight, and I know you by name.”


1. The “Presence of God”

a. How glad Moses was to hear this promise of the Lord.
b. He remembered that God had said He would not be with the children of Israel but He would send His Angel.
c. Moses had feared this word spoken by the Lord.
d. Now, his heart rejoiced that God’s Presence would be with His people.
That would make all the difference!

2. Speaking on the matter of God’s Presence

a. If God’s Presence was not with His people:
i. There was no point inheriting the land of Canaan.
ii. It would just be so much land but there would be no deep significance.
b. The grace of God and the Presence of God are closely tied together.
i. God’s Presence would be a special manifestation of grace.
ii. His grace would be of absolute importance.
c. Thus, Israel would be “separate”.
i. The nation would be different from other countries in the world.
ii. It would be distinct because God’s Presence would be with them.

3. Confirmation from God

a. God heard this word from Moses.
b. He confirmed that He would grant grace.
c. There was a special and personal word to Moses.
i. He had found grace from God.
ii. God does know his name.

4. God was expressing how pleased He was with Moses

a. His understanding.
b. His prayer for the children of Israel.

经文:出埃及记 33:15-17


《出埃及记 33:15-17》



1. 上帝的同在

a. 摩西很庆幸听见上帝的应许
b. 他记得上帝说过祂不会与以色列人同去,但会差遣使者在他们前面引路
c. 摩西害怕上帝所说的这句话
d. 现在,他庆幸上帝会亲自与祂的百姓同去。这会带来巨大的分别!

2. 上帝的同在

a. 若上帝不与祂的百姓同在
i. 承受迦南地就没有意义了
ii. 他们虽然会有大块土地,但却不会有深刻的意义
b. 上帝的恩典与祂的同在是息息相关的
i. 上帝的同在是祂恩典的特别体现
ii. 祂的恩典是特别重要的
c. 因此,以色列会与地上的万民有所“分别”
i. 以色列国会与其他国家不一样
ii. 这分别会很显著,因为上帝与他们同在

3. 上帝的确认

a. 上帝听了摩西这番话
b. 祂确认祂的确会赐恩典
c. 这当中含着给予摩西个人的特别话语
i. 他在上帝眼里蒙恩
ii. 上帝按他的名认识他

4. 上帝在表示祂对摩西的满意

a. 摩西所领悟的
b. 他为以色列的代祷