Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 238

Text: Exodus 34: 5-6


Exodus 34:5-6

5 Now the LORD descended in the cloud and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the LORD.
6 And the LORD passed before him and proclaimed, “The LORD, the LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth,


1. The Descent of the LORD

a. He descended from Heaven.
b. He appeared in a cloud (a physical manifestation).
c. God stood with Moses (His presence..

2. Understanding the idea of a Proclamation

a. It was common in the ancient days for a court herald to make a proclamation.
i. He would announce the entrance of the King.
ii. He would also announce his titles and his greatness.
b. The LORD God did not use an angel to do this.
c. He proclaimed His Divine attributes to Moses.

3. God’s Divine Attributes proclaimed

a. He is “The LORD, the LORD God”.
b. “Merciful and gracious”
c. “Longsuffering”
d. “Abounding in goodness and truth”

These are not all the attributes of God. There are many more wonderful attributes.

4. Why were these attributes highlighted?

a. To remind Israel of who God is.
b. To reinforce Israel’s understanding of the Lord.
c. To restore confidence in God that He is indeed:
i. Merciful
ii. Gracious
iii. Patient
iv. Good
v. Upholding truth
d. To teach Israel how to regard the Lord and relate to Him properly.

经文:出埃及记 34:5-6


《出埃及记 34:5-6》



1. 上帝的降临

a. 祂从天国而降临
b. 祂在云中降临 (实践地显现)
c. 上帝和摩西一同站在那里(上帝的同在)

2. 理解宣告的意义

a. 在古时候,大庭内会有一位仆人宣旨
i. 他会宣布国王的来临
ii. 他也会宣头衔和荣耀
b. 上帝并没有排遣一位天使做这件事
c. 祂将祂神圣的特征在摩西面前宣告

3. 宣告上帝神圣的特征

a. 祂是“耶和华,耶和华”
b. 有怜悯有恩典
c. 不轻易发怒
d. 有丰盛的慈爱和诚实


4. 为什么这些特征被宣告呢?

a. 为了提醒以色列关于上帝
b. 为了帮助以色列更好的理解上帝
c. 帮助以色列重新相信上帝是一位:
i. 怜悯
ii. 富有恩典
iii. 耐心
iv. 美好
v. 正义
d. 为了教导以色列如何与上帝正确地互动