Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 22

Text: Exodus 4: 1-5


Exodus 4:1-5

1 Then Moses answered and said, “But suppose they will not believe me or listen to my voice; suppose they say, ‘The LORD has not appeared to you.’”
2 So the LORD said to him, “What is that in your hand?” He said, “A rod.”
3 And He said, “Cast it on the ground.” So he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from it.
4 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Reach out your hand and take it by the tail” (and he reached out his hand and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand.,
5 “that they may believe that the LORD God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has appeared to you.”


1. The huge task given to Moses

a. The task seemed too huge.
b. God’s word to him was good and encouraging.
c. But he still did not feel convinced or confident.

2. Other doubts raised up

a. What if the children of Israel did not believe him?
b. What if they would not listen to him?
c. What if they were to doubt that God had spoken to him?
d. How would he answer them convincingly?

3. God’s understanding

a. God knew that Moses was struggling in his heart and mind.
b. He wanted him to be very sure and confident too.

4. God’s answer to his questions

a. All shepherds carried a staff or two with them as they looked after their flock. The rod would be useful if they come across animals that could attack the flock.
b. God gave to Moses an experience of His power.
i. The rod he carried when cast to the ground became a snake.
ii. Moses fled from the snake on the ground.
ii. God told him to seize the snake and it became a rod again.

5. The lesson behind this miracle

a. The power of God was manifested.
b. It would take power:
i. To change a rod into a snake.
ii. To change the snake into a rod.
c. God’s power would be available to Moses to help him accomplish his task of leading the children of Israel out of Egypt successfully.
d. When this sign is shown to the children of Israel, they would believe that God had indeed appeared to Moses.

经文:出埃及记 4:1-5沉思

《出埃及记 4: 1-5》
1 摩西回答说:“他们必不信我,也不听我的话,必说:‘耶和华并没有向你显现。’”
2 耶和华对摩西说:“你手里是什么?”他说:“是杖。”
3 耶和华说:“丢在地上。”他一丢下去,就变做蛇,摩西便跑开。
4 耶和华对摩西说:“伸出手来,拿住它的尾巴,它必在你手中仍变为杖。

5 如此好叫他们信耶和华他们祖宗的神,就是亚伯拉罕的神、以撒的神、雅各的神,是向你显现了。”


1. 赋予摩西的艰巨任务

a. 任务似乎太大
b. 上帝给摩西的话是好的及具鼓励性的
c. 但是,他仍然没有信服或信心

2. 提出了其他疑问

a. 如果以色列人不相信他怎么办?
b. 如果他们不听他的话怎么办?
c. 如果他们怀疑上帝并没有向他显现该怎么办?
d. 他将如何令人信服并回答他们呢?

3. 上帝的理解

a. 上帝知道摩西心思意念上的挣扎
b. 祂也希望摩西更加确信及有信心

4. 上帝回答他的问题

a. 所有的牧羊人照顾羊群时,都会带着一或两根杖。如果遇到攻击羊群的动物时,那根杖将会很有用
b. 上帝让摩西体验祂的大能
i. 当他把所携带的杖扔到地上时,那根杖变成了一条蛇
ii. 摩西看到地上的蛇,并立即逃跑
iii. 上帝告诉他抓住蛇,蛇便再次变成了一根杖

5. 这个神迹背后的教训

a. 上帝的大能得以彰显
b. 需要大能:
i. 将杖变成蛇
ii. 将蛇变成杖
c. 摩西将得到上帝的大能来帮助他完成任务,他将成功地带领以色列人出埃及
d. 当这个神迹显示给以色列人看时,他们将会相信上帝确实向摩西显现了