Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 26

Text: Exodus 4: 15-17


Exodus 4:15-17

15 Now you shall speak to him and put the words in his mouth. And I will be with your mouth and with his mouth, and I will teach you what you shall do.
16 So he shall be your spokesman to the people. And he himself shall be as a mouth for you, and you shall be to him as God.
17 And you shall take this rod in your hand, with which you shall do the signs.”


1. Clear instructions from the LORD

a. Moses’ role
i. To speak to Aaron and to instruct him.
ii. Even the words that Aaron would speak to the Pharaoh.
b. God’s part
i. He will be with Moses.
ii. He will also be with Aaron.
iii. He will teach Moses along the way as to what he should do.
c. Aaron’s part
i. He will be a spokesman to the people.
ii. He will speak on Moses’ behalf.
iii. He would have to listen as if Moses was God!
d. The rod of Moses
i. This rod would be of symbolic significance.
ii. It would be a visible and physical sign.
iii. The value is not in the rod itself.
iv. But it would be something people would associate with more easily.
v. It would symbolize the awesome power of the LORD.

经文:出埃及记 4:15-17


《出埃及记 4:15-17》
15 你要将当说的话传给他,我也要赐你和他口才,又要指教你们所当行的事。
16 他要替你对百姓说话,你要以他当做口,他要以你当做神。

17 你手里要拿这杖,好行神迹。”


1. 上帝给了明确的指示

a. 摩西的责任
i. 他必与亚伦沟通,给予他指示
ii. 这包括亚伦必须对法老所说的话
b. 上帝的角色
i. 祂必与摩西同在
ii. 祂也必与亚伦同在
iii. 祂必指教摩西他所该行的事
c. 亚伦的责任
i. 他将对百姓说话
ii. 他是摩西的代言人
iii. 他必听从摩西,好似他就是上帝!
d. 摩西的杖
i. 这杖有着特别的象征意义
ii. 这将会是一个看得见和实体的神迹
iii. 重点不在于杖本物
iv. 但这将使百姓能更容易地联系与理解
v. 这将象征着上帝的大能