Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 61

Text: Exodus 9: 27-30


Exodus 9:27-30

27 And Pharaoh sent and called for Moses and Aaron, and said to them, “I have sinned this time. The LORD is righteous, and my people and I are wicked.
28 Entreat the LORD, that there may be no more mighty thundering and hail, for it is enough. I will let you go, and you shall stay no longer.”
29 So Moses said to him, “As soon as I have gone out of the city, I will spread out my hands to the LORD; the thunder will cease, and there will be no more hail, that you may know that the earth is the LORD’s.
30 But as for you and your servants, I know that you will not yet fear the LORD God.”


1. The Pharaoh calling for Moses and Aaron

a. He would not have done this normally.
b. He was feeling desperate.

2. His word to them

a. He confessed his sin.
b. He acknowledged that the LORD is righteous.
i. God had a right to punish Egypt.
ii. He saw the plagues as God’s judgment on his land.
c. He confessed that he and his people had been wicked.
i. They had enslaved the children of Israel.
ii. They had been treating the slaves very cruelly.
d. His plea:
i. That Moses would entreat the LORD.
ii. And that the thunder and hail would cease.
iii. He would let the children of Israel go.
iv. They need not stay in Egypt any longer.

3. Moses’ reply

a. He would indeed pray to the LORD.
b. The thunder and hailstorm would cease after his prayer.
c. The essential lesson to learn is that the earth belongs to the LORD!

4. In parting

a. He knew the Pharaoh and his servants much better now.
b. They do not really fear the LORD.
i. They feared the consequences of this plague.
ii. They feared for their country after so many plagues.
iii. But they did really believe in the LORD nor truly fear Him.

经文:出埃及记 9:27-30


《出埃及记 9: 27-30》
27 法老打发人召摩西、亚伦来,对他们说:“这一次我犯了罪了。耶和华是公义的,我和我的百姓是邪恶的。
28 这雷轰和冰雹已经够了。请你们求耶和华,我就容你们去,不再留住你们。”
29 摩西对他说:“我一出城,就要向耶和华举手祷告,雷必止住,也不再有冰雹,叫你知道全地都是属耶和华的。

30 至于你和你的臣仆,我知道你们还是不惧怕耶和华神。”


1. 法老打发人召摩西和亚伦

a. 他通常不会这样做
b. 他感到绝望

2. 法老对他们说的话

a. 他承认自己的罪过
b. 他承认上帝是公义的
i. 上帝有权惩罚埃及
ii. 他将瘟疫视为上帝对他土地的审判
c. 他承认他和他的人民是邪恶的
i. 他们奴役了以色列的子民
ii. 他们一直非常残酷地对待奴隶
d. 他的恳求:
i. 摩西会代他们向上帝恳求祷告
ii. 雷声和冰雹将停止
iii. 他会让以色列人离开
iv. 他们不再需要留在埃及

3. 摩西的回复

a. 他确实会向上帝祈祷
b. 祷告后,雷声和冰雹将停止
c. 他们要学习基本的教训-全地都是属上帝的!

3. 离开之前

a. 他现在更了解法老和他的仆人了
b. 他们并不真正敬畏上帝
i. 他们担心这场瘟疫的后果
ii. 他们遭受了如此多次的灾殃,他们为自己的国家担心
iii. 但他们并没有真正相信或敬畏上帝,