Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 73

Text: Genesis 15: 7-8


Genesis 15:7-8

7 Then He said to him, “I am the LORD, who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans, to give you this land to inherit it.
8 And he said, “Lord GOD, how shall I know that I will inherit it?”


1. The faith of Abram

a. This was expressed and confirmed.
b. God was pleased with his faith.
c. God had reckoned him “righteous” (Genesis 15:6)
i. Abram was not sinless.
ii. Righteousness was actually imputed to him.
iii. In his standing before God, because of his faith, he would be considered “righteous”.

2. A word of confirmation from God

a. The LORD was right there at the beginning of Abram’s journey.
b. When Abram was living with his family in the city of Ur of the Chaldeans.
c. God was there when they went to Haran.
d. It was the LORD who had brought Abram into the land of Canaan.
e. It was also the LORD who would give Canaan as an inheritance to Abram and his descendants.
f. God who was the Possessor of heaven and earth had the authority and power to give Canaan to Abram.

3. An honest question from Abram

a. He had no idea how he could “inherit” the land of Canaan.
b. He was a stranger and he did not even have an offspring to speak of!

经文:创世记 15:7-8


《创世记 15:7-8》

8 亚伯兰说:“主耶和华啊,我怎能知道必得这地为业呢?”


1. 亚伯兰的信心

a. 这信心被表达和肯定了
b. 上帝对他的信心感到满意
c. 上帝认他为“义” 《创世记15:6》
i. 亚伯兰并非没有罪
ii. 他得算为义
iii. 在上帝面前,他因信而称“义”

2. 上帝的话语为实据

a. 上帝在亚伯兰起行之初就在那里
b. 当亚伯兰与他的家人住在迦勒底的吾珥城时
c. 当他们去哈兰时,上帝也与他们同在
d. 是上帝把亚伯兰带到迦南地
e. 也是上帝把迦南作为产业赐予亚伯兰和他的后裔
f. 上帝是天地的主,祂有权柄及大能将迦南赐予亚伯兰

3. 亚伯兰坦诚的疑问

a. 他不知道如何才能“继承”迦南地
b. 他是寄居的,甚至没有后代可言!