Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 81

Text: Genesis 16: 9-10


Genesis 16:9-10

9 The Angel of the LORD said to her, “Return to your mistress, and submit yourself under her hand.”
10 Then the Angel of the LORD said to her, “I will multiply your descendants exceedingly, so that they shall not be counted for multitude.”


1. The advice of the Angel of the LORD

a. It may have sounded harsh.
b. The word to Hagar was however very clear.
i. She must return to her mistress.
ii. She must learn to submit to Sarai.

2. What was the alternative?

a. To travel further could lead to death.
b. Or she could end up being captured and sold as a slave or worse.

3. A wonderful word of promise given to Hagar

a. “I will multiply your descendants exceedingly so that they shall not be counted for multitude.”
i. This promise was similar to the one the LORD gave to Abram (Genesis 15:5).
ii. This was an astounding promise given to Hagar who was but a maid.
b. Hagar would have to consider carefully before she made her decisions.
i. If she determined to stay on the road, she must accept the consequences.
ii. If she returned to her mistress Sarai, she might continue to be ill-treated.
iii. She now had the promise of the Angel of the LORD.

4. Who was this powerful Angel of the LORD?

He was none other than the Messiah, Christ Jesus the LORD. Before He came to earth to be our Saviour, He already existed! He was rightly called, “The Angel of the LORD,” a special title!

经文:创世记 16:9-10


《创世记 16:9-10》



1. 上帝的使者的忠告

a. 忠告或许严苛
b. 不过使者对夏甲的话语非常明确
i. 她得回到她主母那里
ii. 她得服在她手下

2. 另外一个选择又是什么呢?

a. 若她继续路程她可能会丧命
b. 她最终也可能被拐走,被逼做奴隶。

3. 给予夏甲的美好应许

a. “我必使你的后裔极其繁多,甚至不可胜数”
i. 这应许和上帝给予亚伯兰的应许相似 《创世记 15:5》
ii. 这是上帝给予夏甲,一位卑微的使女,的一个卓然的应许
b. 夏甲在做决定之前得深思熟虑
i. 若她坚决继续路程,她就得接受后果
ii. 若她回到她主母,她有可能会继续的被虐待
iii. 她现在拥有上帝的使者的应许

4. 这富有威力的上帝的使者究竟是谁呢?

祂就是弥赛亚,主耶稣基督。在祂来到世上做我们的救赎者之前,他已经存在了!祂适当的被称为“耶和华的使者”, 一个特殊的名号!