Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 88

Text: Genesis 17: 15-16


Genesis 17:15-16

15 Then God said to Abraham, “As for Sarai your wife, you shall not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall be her name.
16 And I will bless her and also give you a son by her; then I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of peoples shall be from her.”


1. A name change

a. Sarai and Sarah are essentially the same in meaning though not in spelling.
b. The root word was the same for both names and both mean “princess”.
c. What was the essential difference?
i. Sarai was the name given by her parents before she and Abraham left Ur for Canaan.
ii. Sarah was the name that God gave her.
iii. The significance was to be found in the fact that God Himself gave the name (not in the spelling of the word..

2. The blessing that God promised

a. The LORD would bless her.
b. She would bear a son to Abraham.
c. The extent of her blessing:
i. She shall be the mother of nations.
ii. Some of her offspring would become kings.

3. The blessing God gave to Abraham

a. This blessing was similar to that given to Sarah.
b. Sarah in her own rights would be just as blessed as Abraham.
c. They were joint-heirs of blessing.
This was a blessing that came from the abundant mercy of the LORD God!

经文:创世记 17:15-16


《创世记 17:15-16》



1. 改名

a. 虽然“撒莱”和 “撒拉”的写法不同,但是它们有着相同的意思
b. 两个名字都源自于同样的字,而意思都是“公主”
c. 主要的区别是什么呢?
i. “撒莱”这名是她和亚伯拉罕离开吾珥到迦南前,她的父母所给她的名
ii. “撒拉”却是上帝赐给她的名字
iii. 其中的重大意义就在于这名是上帝所赐的(并不在于名字的写法不同)

2. 上帝所应许的赐福

a. 上帝将会赐福给她
b. 她将会为亚伯拉罕生一个儿子
c. 她将得到的赐福:
i. 她将会成为多国之母
ii. 在她的子孙之中,必有些将成为君王

3. 上帝赐给亚伯拉罕的赐福

a. 这赐福与撒拉的赐福相似
b. 撒拉将会和亚伯拉罕一样蒙福
c. 他们是同受赐福为产业的