Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 104

Text: Genesis 19: 6-8


Genesis 19:6-8

6 So Lot went out to them through the doorway, shut the door behind him,
7 and said, “Please, my brethren, do not do so wickedly!
8 See now, I have two daughters who have not known a man; please, let me bring them out to you, and you may do to them as you wish; only do nothing to these men, since this is the reason they have come under the shadow of my roof.”


1. Meeting with the men of Sodom

a. Lot faced the wicked men of Sodom on his own.
b. He took the precaution of shutting the door as he met the wicked men.

2. His plea to the men of Sodom

a. He pleads humbly addressing the men as “brethren”.
b. He spoke against the wickedness they intended.

3. His appalling offer

a. He had two virgin daughters.
b. He offered his daughters to the men of Sodom.
c. He was taking a huge risk.
d. His two daughters could be violently gang-raped!

4. Determined to protect his guests

a. He pleads with them to leave his guests alone.
b. They had come under his roof.
c. Lot was honour-bound to protect them at all costs.
d. This was the standard practice that all in Sodom knew well.

经文:创世记 19:6-8


《创世记 19:6-8》



1. 罗得与所多玛众人会面

a. 罗得单独面对所多玛的恶人
b. 他出来会见恶人后,把门关上,这是为作防范

2. 他恳求所多玛众人

a. 他谦卑地将众人称为他的“弟兄”
b. 他反驳他们将行的恶事

3. 他令人震惊的请求

a. 他有两个女儿,都还是处女
b. 他将女儿献给所多玛人
c. 他冒很大的险
d. 他两个女儿可能会惨遭轮奸!

4. 他坚持保护客人

a. 他苦苦哀求他们放过客人
b. 他们到罗得舍下
c. 罗得有义务尽一切所能保护他们
d. 这是所多玛众所周知的惯例