Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 123

Text: Genesis 21: 12-13


Genesis 21:12-13

12 But God said to Abraham, “Do not let it be displeasing in your sight because of the lad or because of your bondwoman. Whatever Sarah has said to you, listen to her voice; for in Isaac your seed shall be called.
13 Yet I will also make a nation of the son of the bondwoman, because he is your seed.”


1. God’s word to Abraham

a. God had to speak to Abraham directly.
b. A clear word of explanation was necessary.

2. Addressing the feelings of Abraham

a. The displeasure that Abraham felt was a feeling.
b. God knew that Abraham genuinely cared for:
i. Ishmael
ii. Hagar

3. The deep truth explained:

a. The Abrahamic line:
i. With reference to Sarah, the freewoman (Galatians 4:22)
This was the spiritual line of promise (Galatians 4:23).
ii. With reference to Hagar, the bondwoman (Galatians 4:22)
This was the fleshly line (Galatians 4:23).
b. The line from the covenant given to Abraham:
i. It will be through Isaac.
ii. The line of spiritual blessing from the promise of God would be through Isaac.

4. The blessing of Ishmael

a. The LORD would bless him as well. This blessing would be given because he was of the seed of Abraham. The line of the Messiah would come from Isaac and not Ishmael.

经文:创世记 21:12-13


《创世记 21:12-13》



1. 上帝对亚伯拉罕所说的话

a. 上帝必须直接对亚伯拉罕说
b. 祂提供明确的解释是必要的

2. 对待亚伯拉罕的情绪

a. 亚伯拉罕的不满是一种情绪
b. 上帝知道亚伯拉罕真正地关心:
i. 以实玛利
ii. 夏甲

3. 深奥的真理的讲解:

a. 亚伯拉罕的世族:
i. 对于撒拉,她是一位自主之妇人 《加拉太书 4:22》
来自她的世族是凭着应许而生的。《加拉太书 4:23》
ii. 对于夏甲,她是一位使女 《加拉太书 4:22》
来自她的世族是凭着血气而生的。《加拉太书 4:23》
b. 上帝和亚伯拉罕的约所应许的世族:
i. 是通过以撒而传承下来
ii. 在上帝的应许中被赐福的世族是来自于以撒

4. 以实玛利的祝福

a. 上帝也会赐福他。因为他是亚伯拉罕之子,因此他能够得到上帝的祝福。不过,弥赛亚会来自以撒的世族而不是以实玛利的世族。