Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 141

Text: Genesis 23: 12-13


Genesis 23:12-13

12 Then Abraham bowed himself down before the people of the land;
13 and he spoke to Ephron in the hearing of the people of the land, saying, “If you will give it, please hear me. I will give you money for the field; take it from me and I will bury my dead there.”


1. Humility and Discernment

a. Abraham bowed himself on hearing Chieftain Ephron’s offer of the field and cave. This was humility indeed!
b. Discernment was also in place. Abraham did not accept the offer Ephron made.

2. His response to Ephron

a. This was a public response.
b. He spoke to Ephron in the hearing of all the people gathered at the city gates.

3. He acknowledged Ephron’s gift

a. This was to express appreciation.
b. But he was just as noble as Ephron was, if not more so.

4. He offered to buy the land

a. This would be the right thing to do.
b. He was the husband of Sarah.
c. This was the least he must do as the widower.
d. He must purchase the burial land.
i. This has to be carefully uttered.
ii. It would not do to sound offensive to Ephron.
iii. He must be seen as an upright person who honours the memory of his wife.

经文:创世纪 23:12-13


《创世纪 23:12-13》
12 亚伯拉罕就在那地的人民面前下拜,

13 在他们面前对以弗仑说:“你若应允,请听我的话,我要把田价给你,求你收下,我就在那里埋葬我的死人。”


1. 谦卑与明哲

a. 亚伯拉罕在听到以弗仑要送田和田间的洞时,便下拜了。这的确是谦卑的举动!
b. 他也有明哲,并没有接受以弗仑的赠送

2. 他对以弗仑的回应

a. 这是公共的回应
b. 亚伯拉罕是在城门,赫人聚集的地方和以弗仑谈判的

3. 他公认了以弗仑的厚礼

a. 这是为了表达他的感激
b. 但他和以弗仑一样高尚,甚至更是如此

4. 他提出要买田地

a. 这是正确的
b. 他是撒拉的丈夫
c. 身为鳏夫,他至少得这么作
d. 他一定要以足价买坟地
i. 这话得谨慎地说
ii. 才不会冒犯以弗仑
iii. 亚伯拉罕一定要显明他是个正直,尊敬他妻子的人