Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 151

Text: Genesis 24: 26-27


Genesis 24:26-27

26 Then the man bowed down his head and worshiped the LORD.
27 And he said, “Blessed be the LORD God of my master Abraham, who has not forsaken His mercy and His truth toward my master. As for me, being on the way, the LORD led me to the house of my master’s brethren.”


1. Deeply moved to offer worship

a. The chief steward was obviously deeply moved.
b. He bowed his head and offered worship to the LORD.
c. The chief steward had a very clear and definite personal faith in the LORD.

2. Another prayer offered to God

a. This was a prayer of praise and thanksgiving.
i. Praise for the way God had answered prayer.
ii. Thanksgiving for the LORD’s protection on the long trip to Mesopotamia.
iii. Thanksgiving that God had clearly led him to find Rebekah at the public well.
b. “Blessed be the LORD God of my master Abraham”
i. “To bless the LORD” is to give high praise.
ii. The God of Abraham was worthy to be praised indeed.
c. Acknowledgment of God’s involvement:
i. He had not forgotten mercy and truth towards Abraham.
ii. He saw God’s answer to his prayer as “mercy and truth”.
iii. God had led the chief steward while he was on the way to Mesopotamia.
iv. The Lord had guided him to Rebekah.
All these things moved the chief steward to offer worship to the LORD God of Abraham.

经文:创世记 24:26-27


《创世记 24:26-27》
26 那人就低头向耶和华下拜,

27 说:“耶和华我主人亚伯拉罕的神是应当称颂的!因他不断地以慈爱、诚实待我主人。至于我,耶和华在路上引领我,直走到我主人的兄弟家里。”


1. 深深地备受感动而敬拜

a. 总管家明显地深受感动
b. 他低头向上帝下拜
c. 总管家在上帝里有非常明确的个人信心

2. 再次向上帝祈祷

a. 这是赞美和感恩的祈祷
i. 赞美上帝回应祷告
ii. 感谢上帝在美索不达米亚的长途中的保护
iii. 感恩上帝明确地带领他在公众的水井遇见利百加
b. “耶和华我主人亚伯拉罕的神是应当称颂的”
i. “称颂耶和华”是给予最至高的赞美
ii. 亚伯拉罕的神的确配得赞美
c. 承认上帝的参与:
i. 他没有忘记对亚伯拉罕的慈爱和诚实
ii. 他认为上帝对祷告的回应是“慈爱与诚实”
iii. 在他去美索不达米亚的路途上,上帝带领着仆人
iv. 上帝已将他引导到利百加