Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 183

Text: Genesis 26: 30-33


Genesis 26:30-33

30 So he made them a feast, and they ate and drank.
31 Then they arose early in the morning and swore an oath with one another; and Isaac sent them away, and they departed from him in peace.

32 It came to pass the same day that Isaac’s servants came and told him about the well which they had dug, and said to him, “We have found water.”
33 So he called it Shebah. Therefore the name of the city is Beersheba to this day.


1. A successful covenant

a. Terms were agreed upon.
b. Oaths were made from both parties.
c. A feast was held to celebrate the successful negotiation of the covenant.
d. Abimelech and his people departed in peace.

2. A new well found

a. After Abimelech had left Isaac’s servants came to him with happy news.
b. They had dug another well successfully.
c. This well was called “Shebah”.

3. A city arose in due time

a. That city was called Beersheba.
b. This was another confirmation of what Abimelech had said.

4. The LORD’s eye was on Isaac

a. The LORD had watched over Isaac.
b. He had protected him from harm.
c. God had blessed him in the most remarkable way (Genesis 26:13).

经文:创世记 26: 30-33


《创世记 26:30-33》
30 以撒就为他们设摆筵席,他们便吃了喝了。
31 他们清早起来彼此起誓。以撒打发他们走,他们就平平安安地离开他走了。
32 那一天,以撒的仆人来,将挖井的事告诉他,说:“我们得了水了。”

33 他就给那井起名叫示巴。因此那城叫做别是巴,直到今日。


1. 成功立的约

a. 条款全都同意了
b. 双方均宣誓
c. 举行了盛宴来庆祝成功的盟约谈判
d. 亚比米勒和他的人民和平地离开

2. 新发现的井

a. 亚比米勒离开后,以撒的仆人向他报好消息
b. 他们成功地挖了另一口井
c. 井起名叫“示巴”

3. 之后一座城在那儿崛起

a. 那城叫做别是巴
b. 这再次地确认亚比米勒所说的话

4. 上帝的目光放在以撒

a. 上帝看顾以撒
b. 祂保护了他免受伤害
c. 上帝以最显著的方式赐福他《创世记 26:13》