Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 190

Text: Genesis 27: 18-20


Genesis 27:18-20

18 So he went to his father and said, “My father.”And he said, “Here I am. Who are you, my son?”
19 Jacob said to his father, “I am Esau your firstborn; I have done just as you told me; please arise, sit and eat of my game, that your soul may bless me.”
20 But Isaac said to his son, “How is it that you have found it so quickly, my son?” And he said, “Because the LORD your God brought it to me.”


1. Jacob enters into his father’s tent

a. He greeted his father.
b. But he did not have Esau’s voice!

2. Isaac’s suspicion

a. Isaac acknowledged the greeting.
b. But he was doubtful.
c. He asked Jacob to identify himself truthfully.

3. Jacob’s response

a. He declared himself as the firstborn… Esau.
b. He said that he had done what his father had requested:
i. To find game.
ii. To prepare a special savoury dish for Isaac.
c. He invited his father to partake of the food and then give him the special blessing.

4. Isaac continued to express doubt

a. How could the game be found so quickly?
b. He wanted a satisfactory answer.

5. Jacob

a. He began with lying and he had to add lie upon lie or risked being found out.
b. He declared that the LORD God brought the game to him.

经文:创世记 27:18-20


《创世记 27:18-20》
18 雅各到他父亲那里说:“我父亲!”他说:“我在这里,我儿,你是谁?”
19 雅各对他父亲说:“我是你的长子以扫。我已照你所吩咐我的行了。请起来坐着,吃我的野味,好给我祝福。”

20 以撒对他儿子说:“我儿,你如何找得这么快呢?”他说:“因为耶和华你的神使我遇见好机会得着的。”


1. 雅各进入他父亲的帐篷

a. 他向父亲问安
b. 但他并没有以扫的声音!

2. 以撒起了疑心

a. 以撒接受了雅各的问安
b. 不过他有些怀疑
c. 他叫雅各诚心诚意地说出他是谁

3. 雅各的回应

a. 他声称自己是长子以扫
b. 他说已经做了父亲所吩咐他的:
i. 找野味
ii. 为以撒准备特别的美味
c. 他请父亲一同享用食物,好给他祝福

4. 以撒继续起疑

a. 野味怎么可能这么快就被找到?
b. 他想要一个让他感到满意的答案

5. 雅各

a. 他一开始就撒谎,所以他得继续撒谎,以免被拆穿
b. 他声称野味是上帝使他遇见好机会得着的